Fox.-Smith cur– rently teaches General Psycholo– gy and Human Growth and Development classes at East Cen– tral. Prior to her position at the College, she served as Career Discover Teacher at Neshoba
Fox.-Smith said with the cu;::- cho ogtc Association and rent financial conditions, it's hard Women in Higher Education. She not to be discouraged some days is a member of Bethsaida Baptist but her students make it worth- Church in Philadelphia. She was while. selected a Lamplighter in 2006, "With the economic standing which recognizes outstanding of our state and the lack ofmoney community and junior college that is essential to teaching, it is instructors in the State of Missis– hard not to be discouraged at sippi each year. times. We as educators have had She is a graduate of Leake to bear the brunt of teaching Academy and received her asso– classes that are overfilled and ciate's degree at East Central lacking in technology needs and Junior College. She completed we are doing it for Jess pay than bachelor's degrees in physical most K-12 and university instruc- education and elementary educa– tors. How can that not be discour- tion from Mississippi State Uni– aging? versity and received a Master of "But we know that the educa- Education-Counseling degree tion we provide students of today from Mississippi College. She is what makes our leaders of has completed additional course– tomorrow, so I continue to teach work at Belhaven College and because of my students. That's Mississippi University for the best part of myjob. It's funny Women. how students are so different but She and her husband, Bill, also alike. who serves as ECCC head "I also like the aspect of using women's basketball coach, have technology in today's classroom. three children: Andy, Chandler It has greatly enhanced learning and Mackie.
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