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Students 'best part' ofFox-Smith's career as instructor at East Central Upon her selection as East Central Community College's
Instructor ofthe Year, psychology instructor Susan Fox-Smith said, "It is such an honor! As an edu– cator, I am always looking at dif– ferent ways to help students find their strengths. J look at this honor as my peers seeing me as a strength for my students." Fox-Smith said successful students have been the highlitht of her career as an educator. "The greatest highlight of my career is having students be suc– cessful in their career. I saw one of my former students from ECCC recently and she has her own business and loves what she is doing. She told me 'Thank you.' It always makes me feel like I am successful when I hear those words. It never fails that wher– ever I travel I always see former students who are successful. That influences me to continue to be an educator." Fox-Smith said. Her career as an educator began with a love for coaching. "Coaching is all I have ever really wanted to do and teaching is a part of coaching, although most people do not see it that way. Getting the chance to have an impact on the lives bf students is what makes me Jove teaching," she said.
Central High School where she also served as assistant girls' bas– ketball coach from 1999-2002 and head coach from 2002-2003. She is also a former head ten– nis and assistant basketball coach at Mississippi College and taught elementary physical education and coached tennis at Lamar School in Lauderdale County. In addition, she served as an adjunct instructor at ECCC. Many people have served as influences in Fox-Smith's career, including her parents, Betty Langston and the late Frank Langston, and her high school basketball coach, Dale Williamson. However, she said her greatest influence in the classroom came from Ovid Vickers during her days as a student at East Central. "He is, by far, my favorite teacher I ever had. He was tough as a teacher and expected your best, but made the class fun and exciting. I still remember his class, where 1 sat and a lot of the information I learned. That is the kind of teacher I wanted to be. I had no idea I would one day be teaching at EC and even teaching in the same room that I sat in as a student with Mr. Vickers as my teacher," Fox-Smith said.
Susan Fox-Smith on all levels for students."
Fox-Smith shared three of her
favorite quotes.
''These are three of my favorite sayings and I always try to remember them in teaching and everyday life, "she said. "'Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see,' 'I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me,' and 'Attitude reflects leader– ship.'" In addition to her teaching duties, Fox-Smith serves as chair– person of the ECCC Beauty Pageant Committee and is a member of the Mississippi Psy-
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