(ECCC drops two !at ltawamba By Marty Stamper Appeal Sports Editor EC fell to 6-3 overall and 0-1 in division play.
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Latoria Holder and Rachel Vigers both had 22 points to lead Co-Lin, which improved to 9-0 and 1-0. EC men 80 Co-Lin 77 The Warriors nearly squandered a 15-point halftime lead in the December 3 contest at Decatur, but Steve Edwards drained two free throws with six seconds remaining to give EC an 80-77 lead and the Warriors held on to win. The Warriors improved to 4-5 overall and J -0 in the division under fourth-year head coach Maurice Bowie. EC held a 50-35 advantage at halftime. Edwards, a 6-foot sophomore guard from Newton, led the Warriors with 32 points. He made 11-of- 18 field goals and connected on 8-of- 13 shots from 3-point range. He also had five rebounds. EC also got 16points fromAntonio Grace of Newton, eight each from Kendall Jact.son and Aquill Baynard, aml seven from Titus Mims. Jackson ;~lso had e1gh1 rebounds. Marcus ll notcn tossed in 32 pomh 111 k ul ('u I 111, wluch fd l to 2~7 ;uul 0 I ltuwamhu C)2 I•( ~CIIlH'II HI I ht.• l ady lndmns tuuk n 1\1 ' I lead mto halllune I hursd.ty at h1lton as they dropped H . to 6 4 Hannah I cc had I 3 points to lead
The East Central Community College basketball teams wrapped up first semester play at Fulton on Thursday where they were swept by Jtawamba. The EC women fell to 6-4 with their loss, while the EC men dipped to 4-6 The previous week, the EC teams split their MACJC South Division openers with Copiah-Lincoln with the Warriors winning 80-77. and the l .ady Warriors losing 86-66. EC squads return to action follow– mg the Christmas break by hosting Delgado Community College on January 7. The women's g ame hegms at 6 p.m. following by the men's at 8 p m. Co-Lin 86 f<:(' women 66 l hc r :ldy W:lrnors played with the nat1on;~lly· rant.cd L:ldy Wohes for n half 111 the Dc~:cmbc1 3 contest at De~:. .1tu1 hut .1 46 lO Co I Ill ndvuntagc over the 1tn.11 'O minutes turned the game.: into a blowout. EC only trailed lhl· filth wnkt.·tl Lady Wolves 40 1(, go1ng mtu hall:. time Former I eake Acat.h.:my stanclout Hannah Lee led F(' w1th ? I point'l . The Lady Wamors also got I0 pmnts each from Dan1clle Cole and Demetria Slocum. s1x from Shantel Neely, and five each from Yolanda Jones and Quentinette Odom.
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ECCC's Hannah Lee shoots in a recent loss to Copiah-Lincoln.
ECCC photo by Marty Stamper points win at Fulton on Thursday Itawamba took a 39-29 lead 1nto halftime. Steve Edwards, a sopbomon:. z guard from Newton, led EC, 4 ), :> with 20 points. The Warriors also got ~ 13 points from Aquill Baynard, i l 0 from Kenny Thomas, nme fiJ;n ::E Kcondre Hodges, and six from 1\'tu u.. M1ms 0 llawamba, 7-3, was led by Mel•in r– Morgan's 24 points. The Indians .I so a= got 21 points from Wesley Mcintosh 0:: and I0 from Akeem Cadell. U>
EC. The Lady Warriors also got 12 points each from Demetria Slocum and Yolanda Jones, I 0 from Danielle Cole, seven from Shanequa Bufkin, six from Quentinette Odom, and five from Shantcl Neely. Vctorra Cole scored IR points to lead ltawamba, 7-4. The Lady lnd1ans ulsu got 17 points from Anna Dill, a:: <( 1-– U) z <( a a:: w ::E
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