and Newton; the construc– tion of Bonita Lakes in Meridian; and the stream channel stabilization proj– ect on Sowashee Creek." Winstead and his wife, the former Jeanette Cain of Sallis, currently operate a timber and cattle farm in Newton and Neshoba counties. He retired from the Natural Resource Con– servation Service as deputy state conservation– ist after 35 years with the department. Jeanette is retired from the United States Courts as adminis– trative assistant to Chief Judge Charles Clark, U.S. Court ofAppeals, 5th Cir– cuit. "I have continued my conservation activities since retirement," Win– stead said, "by volunteer– ing as a support person and by practicing conservation on my own farm." Winstead was rewarded for his conservation efforts by being named to the Conservation Hall ofFame for the Southeastern Unit– ed States. He has also been hon– ored as the outstanding conservationist for the state of Mississippi, was twice selected to receive the Mississippi Associa– tion of Conservation Dis– tricts President's Distin– guished ServiceAward and was selected as the out– standing conservation edu-
Winstead said it has time on the college farm. been an honor to serve on Dr. Brad Tucker, a for- the ECCC Board of mer instructor and Dean of · Trustees. Instruction at the college, "East Central is a won- wrote, "I had the pleasure derful institution. It has of teaching Jack several enabled thousands of courses, serving as his aca– young people to prepare demic advisor and observ– for their futures. I have ing his part-time work on been honored to serve on the college farm. He its board of trustees for the always worked after past 12 years. We have a school and during the sum– great staff and I have mers to help pay for col– served under two outstand- lege expenses. Along with ing presidents, Dr. Eddie several of his classmates, Smith and Dr. Phil Sut- he secured summer phin." employment with the Soil His most recent volun- Conservation Service. Not teer efforts have been in only did this help pay his helping locate and secure a college expenses, it site for Mississippi's ftrSt secured for him some criti– state veterans cemetery, a cal seniority, which proposed $7 million proj- allowed him to begin work cct, slated to begin con- after graduation at a higher struction this year. pay grade \\ ith a penna- "This has probably been nent rating." the highlight of my volun- Dr. Tucker, along with teer services," Winstead Frank Rives, was one of said. "For this effort, I was Winstead's favorite selected as Newton Coun- instructors. ty's ''Man of the Year" by Winstead said, "Two The Newton Record in professors that stand out as 2007. I now serve as presi- my all-time favorites and dent of the nine-member who greatly encouraged state board known as me were Mr. Frank Rives "Friends of Mississippi and Dr. Brad Tucker. By Veterans." the way, these two gentle- Melvin Tingle of men remain very special to Decatur, in a letter sup- me, as I now attend church porting Winstead's nomi- with them each week after nation, wrote, "Serving his being away for 50 years. I country and being a veter- never had a class under an himself: Jack was very Ovid Vickers, but I always interested in securing this admired him and appreci– cemetery, called the "'ated his loyalty to ECCC."
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