Winstead selected ECC SPECIAL TO THE TIMES

Jack of Lawrence, a member ofthe class of 1956, was recently named Alumnus of the Year at East Central Com– munity College in Decatur and was honored at a luncheon on Saturday, October 3, during home– coming festi vities. When notified of his selection, Winstead said he was "truly honored." "I am especially thank– ful to my dear friend, the late Clinton Russell, who nominated me for this honor and to the commit– tee that made the selection. When I think of the hun– dreds ofpeople who could have been selected, I am even more honored. I must admit that this puts me in a very special group when I look over the list of past recipients." In nominating Winstead for the award, Russe11 wrote, "Although charged with statewide responsibil– ities, Jack Winstead always maintained a spe– cial interest in helping the people of East Central Mississippi." "Projects in this area in which he is very proud to have played a vital role include the development, funding and construction of floodwater retarding structures in the Chunky River Water Management District; the Turkey Creek recreation area; stream channel stabilization proj– ects iqjhe towns of Union Winstead


cator in Mississippi by the Mississippi Wildlife .fed– eration. In addition to fanning, Winstead serves on several boards and commissions including the ECCC Board of Trustees, where he serves as vice chairman. He is also chairman of the board of the Mississippi Department of Environ– mental Quality, president of the board of the Pearl River Water Supply Dis– trict (Barnett Reservoir), vice chairman of the board of Southern AgCredit (for– merly Federal Land Bank) and member of the board ofthe Newton County Soil and Water Conservation District.

"Arlington of the South," for the East Central area. This will be such an asset to the state and county while providing a beautiful resting place for those, and their spouses, that have served our country." Winstead's association with East Central Commu– nity College began during his days as a student in the 1950s. "I guess my greatest apprehension as a student was Mr. Cross' chemistry class," Winstead said. "Here was I, an agriculture student, competing with future doctors, scientists and the like, but somehow

I managed to survive." : NESHOBA DEMOCRAT _____ He also worked part-



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