'NEEK OF~ . C)g 1 I
ECCC Lady Warriors - WTOK's 'Team of the Week' The nationally ranked East Central Community College women's basketball team recently received "Team of the Week" honors from WTOK-TV in Meridian. The Lady Warriors are shown di splaying a banner in recognition ofthe award, which was presented by WTOK sports director Lindsey Hall January I 5 on campus. The Lady Warriors are ranked I 1 1.b in the latest NJCAA poll and sport a 12-1 overall record and 3-0 mark in the MACJC South D ivision following a 60-59 win over then nationally ranked Copiah-Lincoln Community College January 14 in Decatur. The Lady Warriors are Jed by head coach Bill Smith and assistant Blessing Chekwa. (EC Photo)
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