Ta riors all alone at t e to
to ho t Jones Junior College on Thursday. EC "omen 68 Hind 56 The Lad> Warriors scored Hmds in both halves ofthe Jan. 21 contest at Utica. £C took a 36-30 lead into ftime. then outscored the lad) BulldogJ 32-26 over the fi 20 mmutes. Rashlma Jenkans led EC 13-2 o~r:ill. 4- I division) with _6 points Tanesha Brown ed 17. Mystee Dale added II !md Ta\..ayatha Evans eight. Hmd~ (6-9, 0-5) got I I po n each from Tatesh1a Pa:e and TifTan} Williams. blind 62 E men 59 Hind~ carried a 32-27 lead haJfume and held on for first dl\ i:.1on victory. e 2:0 '1 7 points from Josh e ' 14 from Marquis
Wilson, I I from Devarus Walker, and eight from Darron Maxtion. The Warriors fel I to 7-9 o'.erall nnd 1-4 in the division. Hind~ (3-12, 1-4) got 12 points each from Armon Higgins IV and Lazzare Robinson. l I from Joshua Harvey, and 10 from Courtney Nelson. EC n omen 73 Gulf Coast 70 The Lady Warriors outscored the Lady Bulldogs 37-33 in the second half of Thursday·s game at Decatur to improve to 14-2 O\ erall and 5- I m league play. Leading the Lad)' \\'amors was Ra~hima Jenkms with 23 poinb. EC also got 16 points from Mystee Dale. 15 from Tancsha Brown. I0 frqm Taw·.tyatha Evans, and seven from Alisha McAfee.
Keaundra Augustus led Gul f oast (6- 11. 2-4) \\ith 29 points. Gulf Coast led 37-36 at halftime. Gulf Coast 91 EC men 90 A late basket by Curtts Nickson gave the Bulldogs the win in Thursday's overt1me contest at Decatur. EC fell to 7-I 0 overall and 2-4 in division play The Warriors led 33-31 at halftime. The teams were even at 79 at the end of regulation. Josh Luckett led EC with 2 1 pomts De\·arus Walker anJ Marquis Wilson both scored 18. Darron ~Iaxtion added 10, Rod Lofton eight. und Ju~tm BrO\m the. Justin Ra\ tossed in 35 points to lt:ad· Gulf Coast (I 1- 6. 3-3 )~----~~~
game ahead Commuruty ....u~<::., Commumty Southwe~i t:issis;si,;ri .....,......__._.... unit) Coli~ The EC their games o league play and -- After gomg lO on Monday. C
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