Wednesday, April 9, 2008
ECCC Tennis Teams defeat Pearl River, Southwest Squads From Press Reports
East Central Com- I z munity College and Wesley Graham (8-1), and Lorenzo Jones of Newton and Chris King of Louisville were victorious over J acob Aycock and Joseph Ander son (8-2). In singles competition, EC won five of six matches as Walker defeated Barrett (6-3, 6-2), Brown clipped Georgian (6-4, 6-1), Moore rallied to beat Peter son (4-6 , 6-4, 10-7), Joseph Cieglo of Forest edged Gra ham (7-6, 7-8, 7-5) and Wade took cnrc of Aycock (6-3, 6-4). Phillip Savell ofPhiladel– phia fell tn his match with Ma tt Sumrall (4 6, 1-6). Aga ins t Houthwc•Ht on Mnrdl 26 in Sununtt, Uw Lady War– rwr'H pos lc•cl n 6 ;~ ww nnd t he Wu.r.riors w(•rc vidoriow1 R I In wom(•n'R nctwn, g(' wm nc r~:~ in doubl<'s comp(•lillon were And('rson and Ball (7 6, 6-3) and Rigdon and Il<'nry (8 3). Dowell and Gaines fell in their matchup by nn 8-2 score. EC winner s in s ingles were Anderson (7-6, 6-3), Gaines (6- 2, 6-3), Ball (6-4, 6-0) and Rig– don (6-0, 6-0). Dowell and Hen– ley fell in their respective matches by scores of 3-6, 7-5, 10-6 and 7-6, 6-1. Warrior squad member s tak– ing honors in doubles competi– tion were Brown and Moore (8- 2), Walker and Wade (9-8) and King and Jones (8-4). East Central won five of six matches in singles, as Walker (6-1, 6-2), Brown (6-0, 6-0), Moore (6-3, 6-3), Cieglo (6-0, 6- 1) and Savell (6-3,6-4) posted Victories over Pearl River and Southwest community col– leges highlighted competition last week for the East Central Community College tennis teams. In the matchups with Pearl River March 27 in Decatur, the Lady Warriors posted a 5-4 decision and the Warriors cruised to an 8-1 win. In women's doubles, EC's Dru Anderson of Decatur teamed with Nichole Ball of Louisvill(' ·to defeat Kara Strebeck and Hannah Harri s (8-6) and Lady Warriors Julie Gaines of Philadelphia and Cheryl Dow– ell of Lena edged Brittany Smithey and Courtn('y Spiers (9-7). EC's Kylie Rigdon of Union and Ashley Henley of Hickory fell 8-6 in their match with Elise Coston and Arianna Levine. In women's singles, EC win– ners were Gaines over Smithey (6-2, 6-3), Ball over Harris (6-0, 6-0) and Henley over Coston (7-5, 6-1). Ander– son fell to Strebeck (6-3, 6-2), Dowell lost to Spiers (7-5, 6-1) and Rigdon was clipped by Levine (6-4, 6-1). The EC men blitzed the Wild– cats in doubles competition, as Keith Brown of Forest and Josh Moore of Newton defeat– ed Justin Barrett and Kasey Peterson (8-2), Devarus Walk– er ofNewton and Matt Wade of Forest beat Steven Georgian u. 0 ~ w w ~ match (8-6) against Kara Strebeck and Hanna Harris. The Lady Warriors posted a 5-4 deci- sion over the Lady Wildcats and ECCC's Warriors were also victori- ous, as they cruised to an 8-1 win. z 0 1- ~ 0 ~ ~ three consecutive matches - Itawamba on April 1 beginning at 1 p.m.; Copiah– Lincoln on April 2 starting at 2 p.m.; and Southwest on April3 getting underway at 1 p.m. East Central t akes on Sneed ~ !- beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, 1 - April5 at Meridian Communi- : ~ ty College. . ; g, The ECCC tenrus teams are coached by Diane and Pat O'Neil and Kyle Watson. victories. Wade fell in h is match by scores of 6-4 and 6-3 . The Lady Warriors and War– rior s fell to Itawamba Commu– nity College on March 25 in Fulton by scores of 8-1 and 8-0 respectively. Dowell was the only winner for EC, as sh e captured a sin– gles match by scores of 6-1 and 6-4. In matches scheduled this week, EC serves as host for
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