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Juco Basketball: Jones County at East Central
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School. cor('d 22 points r---=~ ......-. he can scort•. That's a pr omin••nt point guard there. to lead the Warriors pa t the Bobcats. \\ alker \\ as 7-of-11
over. We did a good job tonight of fini~hing the play and that's some– thing I've told my team about." The Warnors scored the last seven points of the first half to carr y a 36-29 lead into intt·rmis– sion. lt was a :~-pointer by Walker with three st-conds showing that gave ECCC the seven-point cushion. Another :1-pointer by Walker gave the Warriors a 48·41 lead with 11:08 to play, but a trey by Jones' Trenton ~1arshall cut the deficit to 48-46 with 10:0' remaining.
By Marty Stamper Special to The Star DECATUR - Some team have been compared to race-– horses. others to fancv race car ... But it was a "Scooter·· that the East Central Community College Warriors rode in their 71-64 MACJC South Division v.in O\ er Jones Junior College Thur...da} night as the teams began their second lap through the double round-robin ll•aguc slate. r he ECCC Lady Warrior.; stayed atop the leaf,!ue .:;Landings with an 86-78 win in the opener. In the me n's contest, Devaru~ "Scooter" Walker, a product of nearby Newton County High
"He's doing a great job of gelting the team ord1eslrated and getting us involvt rl in tlw offen~e ~"he best thing
from the Jloor, including a 4-of-6 1 ffo rt from 3-
point range to lead the -----~
Warriors thL'Y improved to 8-11 oventll and 3-5 in the dh bion. He made all four of hi-. free-th r ow attempts and had four rebounds and four a ...... bt... UWhen I \\alched him play at Ne,~ton Count). I knew that he had some special skills," ECCC coach Maurice Bowie said of the fre..,hman guat rl. "He hctndlt> lht' ball, he distributes the ball. anrl as
is be's coming back next year," fhe Warrior also got 1 t points from Darron Maxtion. 10 from Marquis Wilson, seven from Justin Brown, and six :from Josh Luckt>tt. Maxtion had eight rebounds with Wilson adding six. UThe la<:t three ball games, wc\c 1(Jsl by a tot See ECCC Page C3 APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN _ _____ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----------------- UNION APPEAL ------------------------ WINSTON COUNTY JOURHAL ----------- S.PIRIT OF MORTON _______ OTHER ___________________ NESHOBA DEMOCRAT I ---------- NEWTONRECORD ~ __________ MERIDIAN STAR....!..) _ _ ____ CLARION-LEDGER _ _ ____ lMPACT __________________
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