E student drowns in campus
ond 2 arrested f(,rdrugs ·n Scott Count)' l he l'Vll s
1 he pond at the walking track at ECCC in Decatur \\here freshman Landon Bu r t drowned Friday.
in w.u-1 Salutatorian, lhc <;fAR ..,tud ent, and l\.lr. NCA 1k• also received the ac.1Jemk I ilthletic award and ~as also a member of the \1PSA .\II Star Basketball team HI! \\as a pre-med major a t ECCC, where h e wa:. a mcmb('l of tlw Warrior Corps, t h• · s~;hool:-, recrwt•ng orgamzattu11 . The young man aJ"o wnrk~·d parl-bmc at NC\\'ton Junc.hon 111 Newton. 2008, where lw
"He probdbly cram ped up." Pennington .,,,id thirteen agencles-andudang three dive teams- respondeJ lo the inci– dent. Details on wh) Burt tried to swim across the pond were unclear Monday. rhe freshman pre-med major was a mcn1ber of the Bapli'st Student Union t1L the college, but Pennington said he did not know tf the young men were participating in a BSU– sponsored activitv. Burt graduated with honors from Newton County Academy
An T~asl Central Community drowned rnd .. ath!rnoon w illie tr) ing to SWIIll olCrl1S~ the C Continued on page 7, •'t' Death ... Landon Burt
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