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mher~ ...ASl\EC firs t– ;1\C heen announced ~ College in l)ecatur. lor students enrolled in
I 1111 "'lilt \111 1 ud 1 Spears nf f»hiladelphi a. ( hu !i lll S milh ul Hn·ntur, I•aigc La,hh~) of l IIHIII, htnnct I nng of Louis,ille, ~1ichacl Cnx of l'htlncldttlttt, \mdl:t Sullc~ of Louh"'\ille nnd t :1.uh s I cluuuuJ «If' '\lorton: nnd (hack rem, from ldl) Ut•ntn Bryan nf Marion, T~l~·r llan~1nul of l niuu. Ut ian I lt) lor of Dt•catur. Brandi Kcnnc I\ <..> VJ 0.. U)
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