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East Central CommunityCollege In Decatur recentty announced Fel~lp of Chrlstfan Athletes membĀ«a for 20Q8.09. The organization consists of a g,oup of athletes, coaches and students Who worship together weeldy and take part In a national Christian organization for athletes and coaches. The ~up holds student-fed wotShfp "huddlesu each weeX. Members Include: (front row, rrom left) FCA sponsor Coach Scott Hill of Decatur; Emily Thrash of Sebastopol;catalina Tarazona ot Aorencei PaigeHolsen of Union; Slemt Farlow of Philadelphia; Shana Easley of Aorenoe and M;~tcla Guerrelro of Richland; (second row, from left) Kat Taylor of Carthage; Kimberly Blackwell of Nanlh waJya; Genny Freemanof Laurel; Allison Phillips and EmilyWooten, both of Carthage; Erln Br IMd and Hannah Lee, both of PhUadelphla and Coach Steve Cheatham of Decatur; (thlld row. from left) Coach Maurice Bowie of DecatiJr, Tyler McNen and DerekCrenshaw, both of Philadelphia; J umd Fleming of Loulsvtlle; Dustin Alley of McDonough. Ga.; Kendrick D. May of Northport. Ala.; Bruce Williams of Ridgeland; (back row, from left) DmwWilson of loolsvllle; Timothy Maloney of Mencllln: Clint Coleman of louisville; Lamar Truman of Meridian; Randy Carter of Quitman and Jeremy Dillon of Hattiesburg. For more Jnfonnatlon on ECCC FCA, contact Coach ScottHill at 601-63&6:'301or / call toll free, 1-Sn-462-3222, ext 301. w \.:} "'-J 0.. 0::
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