WEEKOF~~ 41 _.~~~~-----

Peeples selected East Central student life director/recruiter

They have a three-year-old son, Levi.

Jonathan of Louisville was recently named Director of Student Life/Recruiter at East Central Community College in Decatur, announced Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, ECCC president. Peeples, who began his new duties on Jan. 3 is responsible for security concerns on cam– pus in addition to matters related to dormitory life. Prior to joining the ECCC staff, Peeples was employed as an extension associate for the Mississippi State University Extension Service in Starkville. He is an ordained minister Peeples

and previously served as pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church. He is also a former youth direc– tor at Murphy Creek Baptist PEEPLES Church in Louisville. He is a 1989 graduate of Peeples also has extensive Ackerman High School and experience in law enforcement, attended Wood Junior College mostly with the Department of in Mathiston from 1989-91. He Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. received a bachelor of public He also served as a part-time administration degree, with deputy for the Winston County emphasis in criminal justice, Sherriff's Department and is a from the University of

APPEARED IN former police officer for the Mississippi in 1993. He has Town of Ackerman. He began also completed a 10-week law his a career as a security guard enforcement training program for Sentinel Security Services at the Mississippi Law CARTHAGJNIA on the University ofMississippi Enforcement Officer's Training campus in Oxford. Academy and a five-week SCOTT COUN- Peeples is an accomplished advance basic training course marksman and has won at the Mississippi Department UNION APPEA numerous awards in competi- of Wildlife, Fisheries and tion. He is also a certified Parks.

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VV[NSTON COl instructor in various firearms He is married to the former SPIRIT OF MQ_ an_ d_arc-=h=e=ry=.=======B_n_· d_g_ett_J~o-in_e_r: .. ::~:-.-;:~::o~;i;-~Vl-·l_le. )GER------– OTHER ---------

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