homecoming queen wa considered quite an honor. Lois Woodward Pennington had the honor of being selected both as homecoming queen and, later in the year, as May Queen. Before 1955, girls who were members of the homecoming court wore suits rather than evening– wear. Each girl carried a large bouquet of either roses or chrysanthe– mums. It is interesting that these young ladies often wore hats as a part of their ensembles. By 1955, homecoming games were played at night because lights had been installed on the foot– ball field. The homecom– ing court consisted of a queen and her escort, a maid of honor and her escort, and three sopho– more maids and three freshma!\ maids and their escorts. The female mem hers of the homecoming court were elected by the student body. Each young lady had the privilege of choosing her escort for the evening. Members of the home– coming court rode onto the football field in a con– vertible automobile. These cars were fur. nished by individuals or automobile agencies in
Today; the-liomecoming court is elected by the stu– dent body, and the mem– bers are presented at the halftime of the homecom-• ing game which begins at 2:30 in the afternoon. A section is reserved for the court, and before halftime they assemble on the east side of the football field and are presented as they are escorted across the field through an avenue of flag girls while the Wall of sound Band plays appropriate music. The queen continues to be crowned by the college president who is accom– panied onto the field by the previous year's home– coming queen. Records indicate that, during the history of the college, 69 young ladies have served as either homecoming queens or footballs sponsors. Home– coming with its alumni banquet, class reunions, football game, and home– coming queen and her court is a greatly-antici– pated event when old friends can once again reminisce about their col– lege days at East Central. Ovid VIckers, a retired East Central Community College professor, writes a weekly column for The Newton Record.
and helped the members of the court as they formed a line at midfield. Information about each yow1g lady and her escort had been read from the press box while the con– vertible was circling the field. When each member of the court had dismount– ed. the group walked from midfield to a position in front of the west bleach– ers \\here the president of the college crowned the queen. Following the game, a homecoming dance was held in the old gymnasium. The dance, which always ended at midnight, was attended by students, faculty; and alumni. In the earlier years of homecoming, a parade was held. The queen and her court rode in the parade. and organizations on the campus each built a float. The college and high school bands marched, and the floats always predicted victory for the Warrior football team. Acompetition was held for the best floats and best decorated dormi– tory. The floats grew to be quitf' elaborate. One year an operating ferris wheel, holding attractive young ladies, was the winner. By 1955, those in the
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