ECCC basketbiill seas~on tips o Ea:;t C entml Commumt} Croft (S-4)

in trymg to de limd the title. Our sophomores arc really fi>cused on a repeat." T he top re turnees are Rashima :Jenkins and Mystl.!e Dale, the only return1ng starters. Jenkins, a 5-foot-9 forward from A1rhne I-llgh School 1n Bossier City, La.. a\ eragcd 16.5 poinh and 7.I rebounds, and Dale, a 5-foot– x guard from Choct;m Central, had 14.6 points and 5 R rebounds per contest \lhson Plulllps, a 5-loot– X forward from Leake \cademy ot-1 0 lorv. ard from Carthage and Sha Coleman. a 5-foot-6 guard from Newlon County. When asked what he It ked best about h1s sophomotcs, Smith replied. "Thev have a (champwnslnp) ring!'· He :;uid the sophomores .llso understand "what it !eels like to ·win a region title... and hopcll.111y they can help the freshmen 'understand what it "ill take to repeat" Seven freshmen are mcluded on this vcar's t~.;am. includtng ·guards Dcshouri Spaws (5-4) of ':it. Thomas t\1orc Htgh School in Luthyctte. I.a. Yollnda Jones l5·3) of l.llkC, Lnnie Tnplctt (S-•1) \If Srott Central, ~icrra

of Newton County, and Alisha Grimn (5- 6) ofKemper County, and for– wards Danielle Cole (5-8) of Philadelphia and Hannah Lee (5- ll) of Leake Academy. "We wi ll need the fresh– men to really step up and help us this season," Smith said. "But I know it will take a little time for them to get <1djusted to the college level of competition.'' Smith said the freshmen

put the team tog~.:ther. I gave us depth at every position and ,,. ith depth brings about competition. and that's what makes you a great team gett111g after one another in practice every day:· 0\erall. Bo\\ 1e sa1d this year's team " is a good group of kids to be around The_> have really worked hard both on and ofT the court. \\e ha\c challenged them this y..:ar to be lake pride in ever~ thing they do, not JUst in baskl.!t– ball." Bowie said h'- is especial– ly pleased with his guards and how much control th..:y bring to the game in their role as "field generals. · "I am rcall} high on Rod Lofton (6-1 guard) of Forest He takes 11 personal every time he's on the cout1 to guard the best olf~o:nsivc player on the other team." BO\\ ie said. Bowie said Rico .lnnl's, a 6-fob'r-3 guard abo from Forest, has hecn "1\lt Consistent'' on and o[f the court and "1s rl:ally going to

help us dcm·n tl \\e llel·d th.11 'Sophlllt\111 leatlershrp 111 bhow up lltl\\ il~ :tl-to hnd pnu.. c lot his top IC~t!ll'ltmg <:corer from last vc;ir, Josh I tll.'kcll u (l-5 g l(:tnilll•m·a r\1 I nun Cart hag~. HI Dl.!\ aru '"Scooter \\,d). cr, a (,.toill-1 gu J In ·• 1\"ton Count) High School 'Ludell li:d the guys in scoring with \ I -~ Jlllints rei game and mach; 59 p~.•rcent (lr h1., shots," I Bow k :-;aid. '"Walker was ~~.~cbnd in scor-

Colkgc':o Ladv Warriors arc hoping f<>r an-other champi- onship cam- from paign and the school Warrior~ ~re reports also pr4!panng for suct•<.!ss as hoth '>quads near coJt1plction of pre-sea– i-On '' orl r \!peating as champi– wtlf he a l·halknge. We Will hl~ the wrgct of

my kids. d..:\ l'lnp y<)tlflg llll'll 11110 llll'll.• md Will >~I lc:l'•t lJ(I perCCill llf Olll g,\llll~s \\'e ~1lso wo:ant our guy:- to nu like, pr.u:ticc like and pia) like champions.'' Cornelius Gtllcylen h serving hi-. lir"l \'car ;p, Bowie ·s assio;t.Uil. .\~'Amory native, ( iillcykn IS a fonlll'l" asststant mcn's baskctball coach at St. Edward 's lJnivcrsrty ir· "u.;r=n, Texas when~ he had '' ~h. I :1r earl'C'I. lk l\'1 '- rccei\cd ''Ocfen ...ivc l·l.ty~r <)f the Year" honors and W[l'> r,mk..:d 14th in the n:~tion in slcal-. i'l

Hodge, completed season action w1th a 11-4 record .md wtrl' mnkcd e ighth in the 1i nal NICt\1\ pull She contum d hc1 Slll."l·css on the baskclhall C1• •1 ;II the Univcrsll'> I) Suuthl'lll M1s~1ssipp1 On the men's side, 1 h 11 d •,1 1 head coach \ 1auriC"

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