WEEKOF __ /~o-- ~=-·-·~0~~ ----
'Haunted House of Hoops' features f.trst look at ECCC basketball next Wednesday
ing c~mtest and a slam-dunk competition featuring Warrior team members. A three-point shooting competition is also planned between Lady Warrior soft– ball head coach Scott Hill and his assistant, former ECCC All-American basket– ball and oftball player, Kn~tm Chane~ Chaney also assists the women's basket– ball team. In addition. one lucky ECCC .;tud~nt ''"ill be selected ·,' m his or her skills at three-point range \\ith free tuition- valued at s-oo - on the line. The Centralenes, the dance line for the Wall 0' Sounu \' ·"I. 'ling Band; the '\all \} ~u.,d Drum Line; and C''~~,ie.1ding squad will also perform.
"Trick or treat" candy will be available for young– sters wanting to get an early start on Halloween activi– ties. A Halloween costume contest is scheduled for ECCC students and staff members. nished by Valle} Food Services, Inc., event spon- ~ sor. Door prizes will also be provided. There is no charge for admission and the public is invited to attend. For more infonnation contact ECCC Student Services, Phone 60 l-635- 2111 or call toll free, 1-877- 462-3222, ext. 205. The e– mail address is jkillens@eccc.edu. Refreslunents will be fur–
SPECIAL TO THE TIMES sports@sctonline.net
DECATIJR-A ftr:.t look at East Central Community College's bas~etball talent · for the 200S-09 campaign will be a\'ailable Wednesday, Oct. 29 when the annual "Haunted Hou::.e of Hoops" gets underway at 8 p.m. in the Brackeen– Wood Ph~ sical Education Building. Brief scrimma~es are planned b~ the Lid~ Warriors and \\ aniors who \\ill abo be introduced b. their respecthe head coach– es, Bill Smith and Maurice Bowie. The ECCC \\omen are the defending Region 23 champions. t\lso scheduled are a women's three-point shoot-
CARTHAGINIAN _________,....;::____- :.... _ SCOTT COUNTY TIM ES _/~---:~---- UNION APPEAL ____________:.,.;\ /:....____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _____ SPIRIT OF MORTON ---------------
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