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di:-.hed out nine assists and Darnishn Ly ks hauled in nin..: rebounds. Bell claimed eight boards. The Lady 13ut·s abo went 20-for-.25 ;,1 make l::O percent pf their lr~e throw attempts. ··A lot of our ~!amc is sh noting.:· She Iton coach tvladon na Thompson said. "We're just a lot smaller than peopk so we han: to be able to shoot." Shelton went on to defeat Trinify Va lley (Texas) Con•munily College Rl -60 and Westem Nebraska Cernmun ity College 6n-45 to plan• ~..:\<'nth 11 the 16- team roumanwnt. w \.:) .._, a:: <( () <( ::r: 1- w 1- 1- a. a:: 0 a. <( (.) <( o en

assists. Tanesha Brown mad<.: 4-ol'-~ 3-po int attempts in ta lly ing 14 points. A ll ison Phillip-; had s ix points and four b,,nrds. Chotsant Hendc.:rson had fl'llr rc.:bout d~ and three ~teals. SlKiton State. 29-5, placed live s<.:ort.!rs in doubl..:o tig.ur~:s with Lturen Tucker going 4- for-7 from the 3-poi nt I me and •1-for-4 from the ti·ee thro\\ I me on the \\'ay to an I X-p~'int perfonnance. Marga. el Bell scored 15 points and had eight rebounds with Ayla

trey .

Nationals... Cnntinucd from 3 13... tour n:bounJs. anJ three 1ss1sh. I awayatha E' an~ had 'Jg.llt r..:btHinds. while \llisnn Phillips had live· ho;u·ds ~Hllllka->l<:lll pi;II.:Cd five..: pl.!\~ors in ,(,,ubi.: figures. Ro;i...-1 h:d the Lady Falcons \\ ith I 1 points. Si\-foot-5 Runa ~alonJa sl.."on.:tl 13. i\l m..:lic Lumanu and Chand Molwngo both h;1d 12, and ( ';1rulyn M ills tossc..:d in I I. \shky Urimc..:s was a nt•ar miss '' 11h Cl!!hl. fvh1kttngo ab11 had I() ...:bn11mls anti hlm:kcd !>CVen

s hots . Lunwnu had nine boards and nine assists . Kalonda had seven boards. Southcash.:rn lo~;t 55-45 to Barton County { Kan.) Communtty Cnll..:ge and 49- 46 to Midland (i'exas) Collc..:gc in its other two games. Shelton State 89 East Central 75 The Lady Warriors ran into a team that was Jetinitc– ly hot from the outside in T hursday's consolation game loss to Shelton. The Lady Bucs were 13- oi'-26 from behind thl;! 3- point arc .vith seven Shelton players making at least one


Shelton kd by us many as 22 points in the sc.:c.:ond half ntler taking a 42-36 lead into halfiime. In addition to outscoring EC 39-15 from 3-point range, Shelton's bench outscored EC''s 37-6. The Lady Bucs also had a -B-30 rebollliding advantage. Rashima knktns was 9- of-12 from the noor in lead– ing EC. 22-g. with 21 points. She also had six boards. Mystee Da le scored 19 points and hall four rebounds. Tawayatha E\,111~ scored ·15 points and h

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