Wednesday, March 19. 2008


Members of the 2007-08 East Central Communit~ College ~\omen's basketball team are (front ro"' • from left) Sha Coleman, Jalccsa Sanders, Courtney J ames, Rashima J enkins, and Allison PhiUips, (second ron) Alisa Matlock, l\lystee Dale, Tanesha Bro\'\n, Alisha \lcAfee, l\lichacla Lee, and Jordon Patterson, (third rOl'\) head coach Bill Smith, Carlena Clemmons, rana)atha Evans, Chotsani Henderson. and assistant coach Blessing Chek\\a, and (back rO\\ ) managers Cortney !\Iiiler. Nicole \\ illiams, :Kathrine ra) lor. and Queena Gage.

EC photo

are Ch,mel Mokango ( 14.1 ppg), 5-foot- 9 Armehe Lumanu ( 16.2 ppg). and 6-foot-3 Rima Kalomla ( 11.4 ppgl. all of Kinshasa. Congo, \Inca. "The) ·rc definitely going to be much. much bigger than we are so we'll JUSt ha\e to do a lot of pressing and hope– fully running up and d

Olne) (79-45). Lincoln Trail (59-25), and John \. Logan (62-52) \\ htlc sconng 120 pomts .;tn a 120-39 blowout of Olhe-ll.tncv. SIC held six of its last eight opponents to 45 pomts or kss 'They'n: JUst so big and it\, hard for people to shoot O\er them," Smith said. C cntral

( 13.8 ppg. 5.2 rpg). a \ita! cog in Choctaw Central's 2005 Cta~s 3A state champ1onsh1p team. "\\c 'n! all excited.'' Wlulc Southeastern lilt- nuts has JUst one pia) er trom llhno1s, four other states and one forc1gn country arc rep– resented on tis roster. The Lady Falcons have a Mis~tsstppt connectton as well. Three player:. from SIC's squad have stgned with Mtsstss1ppt StalL 1 h_cy

The Lady I alcons are Continued on 4B... See Salina ...

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