LadyWarriors to play role ofDavid in Satina
Community College (32-1 ). Rounding out the field are Jefferson (Mo.) College (31- 1). Barton County (Kan.) Commumty College (32-2), Westem Nebraska Commumt} College (30-4), Walters State (Tenn.) Community College (29-4). Shelton State (Ala.) · Community College (28-4). Lake Region (N.D.) State College (26-6). Monroe (N.Y.) Commuruty College (20-7). and Georgia Penmeter College (19- 14). Those schools aren't bound by the tvtississippi Assoc1ation of CommunitytJumor College's vastly more restric– tiVe recruiting rules. for example, while EC is hmited to just two out-of-staters, the Illinois and Florida representa– tives both have just one player from their home state. "It's going to be a very competitive field of 16." Smith said. "We probably don't match up w1th some of the teams like some of the stronger teams would. We're gomg to be very small. We II probably be the smallest team out there. "We're just going to go out there and gl\:e it the best shot we can ." • "It's exciting, especially with me being shorter than
By Marty Stamper Appeal Sports Edttor With the Region 23 Tournament championship troph} secured, tbe East Central Commun1ty College Lady Warriors are playing in the 2008 NJCAA Women's Basketball Championship this week. Fificen other teams from across the count[} JOin the Lady Warriors, 22-6, m Salina, Kan. "We set a few goals tor our team at the beginning of the year," said EC' coach Bill Smith. "We dido "t reach them all. but I thought we had a m1ghty good year." It will be FC's fourth appearance in the nationals with the others coming Ill 1994. 200 I. and 2004. The Lady Warriors had Tuesday off when the tourna– ment opened, but will face Southeastern Ilhnois College. 31-2, today at 2 p.m. Also on hand arc traditional JUCO powers Central Arizona College (31-0), University of Arkansas-Fort Smith (31- 1), Midland (Texas) College (28- 5). Colk:ge of Southern Idaho (30-2), Trinity Valley (Texas) Community College (26-5). and Gulf Coast {Fia )
lady vVanjors hu t hl ~ Nal i 911'1 ;tb 1994 at Tyler, Texas Central Anzona 71-78 Casper, Wyo. 68-58 Truett-McConnell, Ga. 85-84 Independence, Kan. 71 62 2001 at Salina, Kan. Cloud County, Kan. 73 74 Central Arizona 61 102 2004 at Salina, Kan. Three Rivers. Mo. 64 76 Lake Region, N.D. 74-66 Weatherford. Texas 63-52 Southern Idaho 48·58 2008 at Salina, Kan. I,, Southeastern Illinois Barton County/Shelton State what we're going to be playing againsL'' said 5-foot-6 sopho– more guard Jordon Pattcr;on. "You can Leave cverythmg that you have on the court - all your energy and the love of the game-- and just hope to come out \\lth a \\m." ·• EC's tallest players are Tawayatha Evans (8.7 ppg, 6.3 rpg) and Rash1ma Jenkms ( 17.2 ppg. 7.0 rpg), both at 5- foot-9. At Salina, they'll run mto at least one girl that stands a foot taller m Barton County's 6-foot-9 Meltvier Besnoin. "We can go around her;· oflcrcd freshman Mystee Dale
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