EC women clinch postseason berth
By Marty Stamper Appeal Sports Editor Central Community College Lady \\amors ~~l·ured a henh 111 th~ M \CJC ">tate 'Tournament with wms over South\\est l\lts~issipp1 ( ommuru~ College and Hinds ( ommunity College last week. The L( \\Omen imprO\ed to I H-4. f'he EC men al-.o knocked oil Soutlmc~t ar;d Hind" to keep thc1r po~tseason hopes ah\e. The \\arnors brought a 10-13 mark IIllO this Wl!ek. The top four teams in each di' ision .u.hancc to he MACJC State Ba~kcthall Tournam~nt. ... chedt led Fchntaf) 25-2~ .tt hawamba Communi!) College r)1 Fulton !'he I ad) \\arriOr' ~111d \\arr or., \\rap up tl ~ reb 1l.tr season Thur.-,day '' IH:n they host Pearl Rt\ er. T1pofi t mes ar~ 6 p.m. for the women's contest and 8 p.m. for the men·s g me. EC ''onwn H5 Soutll\\cst 66 The Lad~ \\"arnors bounced buck from a parr of lopsided losses in thc1r lao;t t\'.O oullngs to spank ~outh\\Cst on feb. II at Decatur. I;C took a 50-2lJ lead into hallhme to 1mprme to ., -4 O\Crall and 8-3 in di\ rsion pia) "\\e needed a good \\in; said I·C coach B1ll Smnl1. ··r thought '' e pi<~) cd preuy well the tirst hall \\c ~hot the ball well and did some things agamst thcar 100~ that rhe East
\\ e d1dn 't do the first game '' ith them. We· hit -.;hots tomght .md they didn't. "\\e d1drft ~hoot 11 too good tht:' last (\\ n game!->. but \\ c put the ball in the ba,kct tonight and that \\as the dif– ference in the games." Soutlm c:-.t fell to 14-6. 6- 5. ~1)stcc Dale scored I~ pomb ttnu Rd" 1ima knkm~ had 13 as I·CCC took .r 21- pomt lead mto 1 alfumc .rlh:r tratling I--10 ''Roth of them pl.ayed rc.tll). rcall) well tomght:· :snuth ~:ud of the t\\O trc...h– men. Jenkins tlnt~hcd '' uh 26 points. \\ hrle D.r k h.td 20. f.(' also glll 12 pomts from Tane....h.r fillW.n (.til from 3- pomt t,lllgel. and nmc from TU\\a)atha b ns. Jordon crs n scored fi, c pomt "-.imberly Grrftin led ...,omhwl·-.t ' ith 20 poinh 14 of v.hich came 111 the ~ccond hall: C'l'}stal Thompson scored I I ,md Phentct.t r~ ) lo h.rd I0 l·.( llH'll Soutimest 72 71 I he Warrior:-. come .1\\ ay \\lth a '' 111 111 a dnse contest a, South\\ est's Phallip Brm\ n missed a shut 111 the final !->O.:C– onds and F.C\ Justiu Bnmn co\ ered the ball on thc lloor .rs time ran out. "Anv time ) ou c:~n g~.:t a \\Ill hke that on ,\ ddl'lhl\ c stop. that iu-.;t 'olldtltes.>.\hat \\e\c been tf)rng to Jo all )c.u·," ~ •.rd f:( coach \1auncc Continued on JB... See Clinch...
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