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ECCC renames stadium

Baileys have prO\ 1ded many serv1ces to r C and the sur– rounding area. and it is with greut respect for Bil l and LoUJse Baile) that we name the football stadium in thctr honor.·· Dr. l)utphm sa1d the con– stnl\:tion proJect was estimat– ed to cost "about $100,000," and thanks to the Bailey con– tribution. additional improve– ments will be made to the sta– dium. "We now have about S 162,000 in the bank for the stadium project and another $9,000 1s pledged from a local industry," Dr. Sutphin said. "With these funds, we will be able to make numerous unprovements to the facility." Other projects planned for the stadium include new fenc– ing with brick columns, an archway for football players to

enter the stadium, a fie ld markmg system. stadium skirting. and chair-back seatS?. ''It IS our goal to make the L ouis and Bill Bailey Stadium a first-class facility." Dr. Sutphin sa1d The fundrm-;mg ctlort to construct a new stadlllm cntra11ce began wtth a $25.000 contnbution from Lt-Z-Boy South in Newton. Approximatcl)' 75 donor bricks have also been r.;old lor $1 00 each and are still avail– able by contacting the Onice or Founda tiOn and J\lumni Relations. phone 601-635- 2 111 or ca II toll free. 1-R-77- 462-3222. ext. 127. Dr Sutphin said the col– lege·s m.unten.mc~ dcpart– mem will construct the new entrance. \\ luch 1s 'ichcduled to be completed prior to the 2007 football scm;on.

The football stadium at East Central Community College in Decatur has a new name, following recent action by the college·s from Board ofTrustecs. school The facility 1s reports now known as "Lou1se and Bill Bailey Stadium," in rccogmtion of the Decatur couple's substan– tial donation to help construct a new entrance to the facility and other improvements. The Baileys, owners of the Decatur Telephone Company, presented a $100,000 check to ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin to complete the fundra1sing project, \\hich had reached the $62,000-mark prior to their generous contri– bution. ln recommendmg the name change to the ECCC Boar'd. Dr. Sutphin remarked, 'The



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