Pictured are members ofthe MACJC North Division women's squad who participated in the annual All-Star Basketball Game~ held April 13 at Chocta\\ Central High School near Philadelphia. Kneehng from left are (33) Omeshia Frost, Coahoma; (30 lihameika Boyce, Itawamba; (23) Shae White and (22) Myeshia Johnson, both ofHolmes; (1 0) Whitney Mayes, Northeast 11) LaShundra Boyce, ltawamba; and (20) Danielle Baldwin, East Mississippi. Standing from left are assistant coad 1urice Stanford, Northeast; (34) Krystal Robinson, Northeast; (44) LaMaesha McAdory, Northwest; (43) Sade' Coates t Misstsstppi; (41) Tiawana Marshall, Mississtppi Delta; {42) Tacarra Harris. lta\\amba; and head coach Rtcky Ford ol heast. The North team defeated the South All-Stars 86-82. The MACJC All-Star Games are sponsored by the Pearl Rivet -r, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Pepsi, Mississippi Sports Medicine and East Central Community College ir rr. (EC Photo)

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