WEEK OF\ ft1~Jf( i l

Lady Warriors fall71-66 to Northeast in state Late 3-pointer~ by Andrea Dubose and Tawaytha Evans were not enough to hft East Central Community College to from victory in fir~t-round schooJ action of the :l.lACJC State Basketball reports Tournament, and Thursday at Mississippi College in Clinton. The Lady Warnors opened with Copiah-Lincoln on Tuesday. The Region 23 Tournament win– ncr will advance to t¥ women's national championship tournament at Salina. Kan. EC tournament games can be heard on KICKS 98 (98.3 FM). ~17~~1)'~ ]la@l®a:l ~~ u®QJ11Jil&lm~D'l at Mississippi College Tuesday, March 6 noon - ltawamba vs. Southem– Shrevepon 2:00 p.m. - East Cenlral vs. Co-un 6:00 p.m. - Meridian vs. Nonheast Mississippi 8:00 p m. - Jones vs. Miss. Delta Wednesday, March 7 m1ssed 3-pointer b: EC's Jordan Pane~on folio" ed O\ missed free throws by Jes,,;:a- Bender of Nonbeast, Evans 'oonected from 3- point range to cur the Lady Tigers' lead to 68-66 "1:h 9.8 seconds remaining. Erica Harvell ga'e 1 onheast a

69-66 advantage after making one of two free throws"' t." 9.1 seconds left, and EC was set up for a possible game-tying 3-pomter until a turnover and subsequent foul on Mayes - who sank both free w ows with 3. 1 seconds remammg - preserved the Lady Tiger VICtOI).

Northeast MiSSISsippi Community College held on for a 71-66 decision on Feb. 26 in the four-day event host– ed by Copiah-Linccln Community College in Wesson. The Lady Warriors Ita' e now set their sights on the Region 23 Tournament scheduled Monday-

In the sf.1te tournament. the Lady Warriors, who led 32-27 at halftime, trailed 66-60 until Dubose drained c trey with 30.6 seconds remaining. Free throws by Lady Tiger Whitney Mayes pushed the Nonheast lead to 68-63, and after a

6:00p.m - East Centrai-Co-Un Winner vs. ltawamba-Southern Shreveport w1n· ner 8:00 p.m. - Meridian-Northeast winner vs. Jones-Delta winner Thursday, March 8 6:00 p.m. - Championship

opener Valerie Hams of Lake had 23 points to lead EC, which fell to I6-9 under second-year head coach Billy Smith. Also scoring for the Lady Warriors were Tanesha Brown with I2, Jessica Anderson and Katherine Taylor with eight each, Evans with seven, and Dubose with five. Nonheast, which improved to l7- 6, went on to win the state tourna– ment by defeating ltawamba 60-56 in the semifinals and tournament host Copiah-Lincoln 64-Sl in Lhe champi– onship contest.


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