\ EC Lady Warriors fall in state tourney Special to The Record Late three-pointers by Andrea Dubose and Tawaytha Evans were not enough to lift East Central Community College to vic· tory in flrst-round action of the MACJC State Bas· ketball Tournament, and Northeast Mississippi

East Centt I fall at stat: t women • The East C ourney nity College w entral Commu- bal! team coul~nrr;en 's basket– their first halt I I hold onto to Northea~t M~a~ as they fell the openin . ISSISSipp; in state juniorg r~und of the ment. co lege tourna.

-Page 18

Community College held on for a 71·66 decision Monday afternoon in the four-day event hosted by Copiah-Lincoln Communi– tv College in Wesson. · The Lady Warriors, who led 32-27 at halftime, trailed 66-60 until Dubose drained a trey with 30.6 seconds remaining. Free throws by Lady Tiger WhitneyMayes pushed the Lady Tiger lead to 68-63. and after a missed three· pointer by EC's Jordan Patterson followed by missed free-throws by Jes– sica Bender of Northeast,

APPEARED Evans connected from th ee-point range to cut the Lady Tiger's lead to 68· 66 with 9.8 seconds remaining. SCOTT COl-Lady..'r..~EricaHarvell CARTHAGII


5ct: ECCC. Page JB


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