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SELECTED FOR WHO'S WHO These East Central Community College sophomores from Scott County were recently selected for Who'• Who Among Students In [ American Community and Junior Colleges. Pictured are (front row, from left} Amanda Miles of Morton and Lauren Estes, LaShondra Bradford and Casey Cooper, all of Forest; (second row, from left) Megan Thorn~ Rebeeca Myers and Jess Dilley, all of Forest; and TavarluWalker of Morton; and (back row, from left) Erik Ale~ander andShannon Davis, bottl of Forest; VIctor wamsley of Mortonand Mitch Rogers of Forest Not pictured are Lee Dooley and Lauryn Laird, both of Lake; and Bobby En&Je, Tabattla Ash Harrell and Raquel Hollingsworth, all of Forest Students were nominated by faculty and staff members of the College and were aelected based on aca– demic achievement and Involvement In extracurricular clubs and organizations.



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UNlON APPEAL -------------------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ------- SPIRIT OF MORTON ----------------- OTHER ----------------------

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