V~EEK OF - .-·- ,
ppi • Wednesday , October 3, 2007
State Champion ECCC Diamond Warriors Honored \Iembers of the 2007 East Central Community College baseball team \\'ere presented c;tate championship ring~ during a ceremony held Thursday, Sept. 13, on the Decatur campus. Team membe~ also received photos from the ~tate championship game and nere rccogni~:cd during halftime ceremonies of ECCC's footbaiJ game with Jones Coun~ Junior College. 1\lcmbers of the champion~hip ~quad include (kneeling from left) Nealllolliman, head coach:; Chad Gosselin, Jacob Casey, Colby Hawthorne, Terrell Hendrh, Jordan Robinson, Jesus Aleman, Chris Parkman, and Gregory StovalL and (standing) Joe Patterson, Ben ~lcCurdy (manager), Warren Bowling, Jacc Hamilton, Josh Laftert), Jo!~h Denson, Brian Jones, Adam Griffin, Kiel Higginbotham, Care) \1iller, Josh Sheehan, Ju~tin Jo~ ncr (manager), Robert Westbrook, and assistant coaches J\ lichael Avalon and Roberto Martinez. 'lot pictured are Oaven Willis, Jacob Thames, Daniel Carela, and George Washington. Holliman \\as also recognized for being named )1.\CJC Dilision II Baseball C'>ach of the Year. ECpboto
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