WEEKOF ___ 5_~_~_1_~_C_7~------
\ East Central Communi() College•s Brian Jones ~!ides safel~ into 'iecond base during pia~ in the ~.JCA.\ H.egion 23 Tournament last neck at Meridian Communi() College. Photo b.l \/arty Stmnpcr three rt.n-. Ill the bon om of the st:\ cnth Gr
belie\ c this team truly drd JU~t that and I am so proud of" hat they accomplished. I hey arc a great bunch of guys to bt: asso– ciated \\'ith and \\'e arc gomg to
lo-.s for I ( on the mounJ. He allowcJ SiX eameJ runs on three hit" through 1 I 3 inmngs. II.: stmck out l\\ o and walked four EC fir,t-ycar head coach l\cal llolllman. '' ho was a !irst-ycnr as"1stant at EC wl1l:~, the Diamond Warriors won the 199S Iitle under the late J.ume Clark. g.t\ c mo:.t of the prat-.c for thi:- ) ear's team to hts assistanh l\Jichucl A\ ulon and Roberto Martinez anJ a dedicated group of Diamond Warriors. ··There i~ no doubt that Ea... t Central \\ould not ha\C won the 2007 conference champi– onship "ithout the help and dedication of our players. managl!rs. and a-....i ...tant
~lAC JC l3ascball Coach Qt the '{car m recognition of hi:. team·' su.:c.: s~.
coachc~. Coach A' aton nnd Coach Martinez haw been a APPEARED I tremendous blessll)g to m-: and to thl! ba:.l!ball program at l:ast Central and I feel 'cry CARTHAGINI fortunate to h.l\e each ofthcm "Although we got oil to a slo\\ ..tart. our players thd a ~rcat job of continumg to work hard throughout the ~ea.;on. In ~f!-JJI-._'~TON CC t>' t'!v the b,:ginnmg. we asked our Spl DIT OF 1\E guys to lay a fottndation It)[" n. OTHER ------------------------- SCOTT COUr UNION APPE on our staff.
East Central Communit) College's 'ICn-ellllcndn\. steals third base in the H.egion 23 1oumarnent. Photo 1'.' 'Harty Stamper
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