East Central baseball squad wins state title Warriors knock off nationally-ranked MCC, Gulf Coast to ... take crown

from school reports East Central Community College captured the MACJC State Base–

ball Tournament by defeating host Mississippi Gulf Coast Commu– nity College 5-3 early Monday morning on the Perkinston

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The nine-inning matchup was delayed about 30 minutes due to ~ rain in the top of the sixth with EC owning a 3-0 lead, and concluded about 12:20 a.m. with the possible winning run at the plate for Gulf Coast. Joe Patterson of Morton- who See ECCC Page C3


STATE CHAMPS The East Central Community College Diamond Warriors are shown cetebrating! their MACJC State Champi– onship after defeating Gulf Coast 5-3 early Monday on the Perkinston campus. ECCC was the only team to go undefeated in the four-day tournament and twice defeated nationally ranked Gulf Coast and Mendran Commu– nity College to win the state title. rrom Page Cl and holding for the one-run victory. . . The Diamond Warnors

began tournament action by clipping Gu lf Coa~t .~\-~ 11tursday night and ralhl' (J lu beat M( ( 9 3 Saturday, sl'oring all nim· runs 111 the. l'ighth inning .tflt•r M<. C hatl lt-d Ill 1 ;t•.t ( 1 nlral. \\hll h intproVI'cl to '1 1·2 1, ill II ct hy ll nll·p·ru· head t't_•adl ~~ .II llolli111:t11 , whu wa s a lu s t yt•llt' a~si t~tant tn tht· 1.111 111 111h: Cl 1rtl~ wht:ll tltt· l>t.1 111ccntl Wllll'iorH woullu .1:111 ti tle i11 Wflll 1\asl Ct' llllal .ulv;uHt'"' lo t he• H1·~io11 '.II I otnll ,lllll'lll Sdll'ilnlttl 11\' XI Wl'l 1\ ill ""'"'~~· ' I wid on tlw Ml'ndian t ollllllllllily <.. nllt•gl' t'

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