Split at Holmes gives EC postseason ~rfh
West Quali ty od Service. lnr
d1dn't play that well in the fi rst game. I think we played a lit– tle tight knowing everything th!lt was on the line. "We re_grouped after that and were fortunate enough to get in. We were able to beat llind<; three out of four times and that\ "hat 11 came down to. Our guys l!amcd it agamst them.'· The Warriors. 27-21. open the state tournament on Thursday at 7 p.m. against the host Bulldogs of Gulf Coast, 36-9, who are ranked second nationally. "Anytime you play Cooper Farris' team the) 're gomg to he well-prepared." Holliman said ''You're gmng to play a very good team .md a very good program at their place. so we "II have to be prl!pared. We went down there earlier 111 the year and split with them. "'They're undd e'ated m the
By Marty St~n,'lper Appeal Sports Editor fhc East Central f'C Community College Warriors knew they would be in this C week's MACJCstate baseball N tournament with a sweep at Holmes Community Colh.:ge -\fter dropping the tirst lL game 8-7 to the Bulldog:.. it C looked bleak for the Warriors. but a 7-6 F:ast M1ss1ss1pp1 \\111 over Hinds in Game 2 of the1r doubleheader and EC's I ~-9 w in over I lolmes in their sec- ond game sent the Wamors into the postseason after a onc-yea1 absence. guys were vl!r) ecstatic and we were vl!ry proud of them," sa1d lC coach Neal I folliman. "We were hoping to go to l hnes and sweep both games. hut we just 1 :::! Saturday at Goodman. ~ u_ u. ::? _:> "Our
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ECCC's J acob Casey of lmion applies a tag to a baserunner in a recent game with Meridian Community College. Photo by Marty Stamper
sweep of the Wolve~ at Decatur on April 24. In the opener. Terrell Hendrix went 3-for-3. swiped Continued on 58... See Warrio!"ll...
South Di\ 1S1on and have earned the right to be where they ure." Also in the six-team field are Northwest (33-13), Pearl River (24-22), Merid1an (37-11 ). and ltawamba (34- 13). MCC is
ranked eighth nat10naU) . ECCC
Copiah-Lincoln 4-7 The Warriors tuned up for the regular season ~.:ndmg showdown at Holmes with the
<:untinlll'(l frum BJ... a pail' of ba-.I. .'S, and SCOH.'d tWO runs to lead the \\arnur-. whn 1(:11 hchind J-0 in the first innlllp before sl'llring si_\ unanswered run'>. Bn.lll Jom.' \' enl 2-iin-4. i\Jam Grill1n had ont· hir and ...curt·d two runs. < reorgc Washington .111d Jacob Cnsey huth had one ht Jo:o-h lkn:-;on gut the win in rdit•J'. · 'In the second game. the Warriors sputll·J the Wolves u '-O lead in the top oftht• lirst inning on a three nm homer hcl'oi·c bouncing hack to grah the \ lltory , LC' tin1shed with a do/en hits with GriiTin gett1ng two hits and scoring four run Wa:-.hmgton had two hit!> and scmcd tw1cc Chad Gosselin and Chns Parkman both had two h1ts. Daniel Carda got the win . The \van·iors improved to 26-20 \\ ith the sweep.
After lo~ii1g the opener. the Warriors responded !(1 sew ur 11 'playoff bl!rth. \Vam:n Bowling hom~.·red and singlc.d to lead EC in the liP.t game. Ik also had thrl!c RHis. Adam (innin had u double. Terrell llendri.x, Jacob Casey, Brian .Iones,
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