Split at Holmes gives EC postseason ~rfh

West Quali ty od Service. lnr

d1dn't play that well in the fi rst game. I think we played a lit– tle tight knowing everything th!lt was on the line. "We re_grouped after that and were fortunate enough to get in. We were able to beat llind<; three out of four times and that\ "hat 11 came down to. Our guys l!amcd it agamst them.'· The Warriors. 27-21. open the state tournament on Thursday at 7 p.m. against the host Bulldogs of Gulf Coast, 36-9, who are ranked second nationally. "Anytime you play Cooper Farris' team the) 're gomg to he well-prepared." Holliman said ''You're gmng to play a very good team .md a very good program at their place. so we "II have to be prl!pared. We went down there earlier 111 the year and split with them. "'They're undd e'ated m the

By Marty St~n,'lper Appeal Sports Editor fhc East Central f'C Community College Warriors knew they would be in this C week's MACJCstate baseball N tournament with a sweep at Holmes Community Colh.:ge -\fter dropping the tirst lL game 8-7 to the Bulldog:.. it C looked bleak for the Warriors. but a 7-6 F:ast M1ss1ss1pp1 \\111 over Hinds in Game 2 of the1r doubleheader and EC's I ~-9 w in over I lolmes in their sec- ond game sent the Wamors into the postseason after a onc-yea1 absence. guys were vl!r) ecstatic and we were vl!ry proud of them," sa1d lC coach Neal I folliman. "We were hoping to go to l hnes and sweep both games. hut we just 1 :::! Saturday at Goodman. ~ u_ u. ::? _:> "Our

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ECCC's J acob Casey of lmion applies a tag to a baserunner in a recent game with Meridian Community College. Photo by Marty Stamper

sweep of the Wolve~ at Decatur on April 24. In the opener. Terrell Hendrix went 3-for-3. swiped Continued on 58... See Warrio!"ll...

South Di\ 1S1on and have earned the right to be where they ure." Also in the six-team field are Northwest (33-13), Pearl River (24-22), Merid1an (37-11 ). and ltawamba (34- 13). MCC is

ranked eighth nat10naU) . ECCC



Copiah-Lincoln 4-7 The Warriors tuned up for the regular season ~.:ndmg showdown at Holmes with the

<:untinlll'(l frum BJ... a pail' of ba-.I. .'S, and SCOH.'d tWO runs to lead the \\arnur-. whn 1(:11 hchind J-0 in the first innlllp before sl'llring si_\ unanswered run'>. Bn.lll Jom.' \' enl 2-iin-4. i\Jam Grill1n had ont· hir and ...curt·d two runs. < reorgc Washington .111d Jacob Cnsey huth had one ht Jo:o-h lkn:-;on gut the win in rdit•J'. · 'In the second game. the Warriors sputll·J the Wolves u '-O lead in the top oftht• lirst inning on a three nm homer hcl'oi·c bouncing hack to grah the \ lltory , LC' tin1shed with a do/en hits with GriiTin gett1ng two hits and scoring four run Wa:-.hmgton had two hit!> and scmcd tw1cc Chad Gosselin and Chns Parkman both had two h1ts. Daniel Carda got the win . The \van·iors improved to 26-20 \\ ith the sweep.

After lo~ii1g the opener. the Warriors responded !(1 sew ur 11 'playoff bl!rth. \Vam:n Bowling hom~.·red and singlc.d to lead EC in the liP.t game. Ik also had thrl!c RHis. Adam (innin had u double. Terrell llendri.x, Jacob Casey, Brian .Iones, s took the loss In the second game, Josh l.an~rty led EC's 14-hit attack \\ ith a homer, .1 double. and a sin– gle. llcndrix had iwo :;inglcs ;md a triple. Griffin h:~d a :.ingle and .1 double Casey had a pair or singlcs \\lith Jones and George Washington both getting a double. The Warriors put up fi\c rum. 111 the second frame and five more in the tlmd Joe Patterson g111 the win. allowing fiw earned nms on six hit's through live innings.

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