th bottom of the third
The keY hit wa... a two-run double b)· Jacob Thame..... tordan Robin on went from bome to third on another infield error br F.MC C and :il'ored on a -.acrifice fly by Chris Parkm;1n The Warriors took a 9-1 lead in the foL r h ·'"Hendrix rcaclll'd on a :-ingle and Washington hit a one-out double before the Lion.;; com· milted two more errors. EI\1CC got three runs in the top of the sixth with freeman hitting an RHI double and FleminR" and Mosley each having a sa ri– fice fly. ECCC made it 10-4 in the bottom of tht· sixth as \\'ash· ington went from home to third on a throwing t.>rror on his bunt and scored on a sac– rifice lly by< .osselin. The Lions jumped on the LCC l buIIpen for four runs in tht· lop elf the "evenlh and had the tying run on base when Ht:ndrix recorded the final out to Cllrn a save. The big blow for thC' Lion:; v. a.,; a three-run double by ;\losley. Fleming also had an RBI single in the ftame. "It ju..,t came~ down to throwing strike~ in the end," Avalon said. "Wl• ju'\t can't relax because of the score· board. \\'e've got to play the game. not the :;corcboard. That'~ what we tell them all tlw timl•." jc ·us Akman (3-1) tossed tht.• first 5 2/3 innings to get the win. Through five frames, he had allowed just two hits and had seven strikeouts. The Lions chased him with thrl'C hits in the three-run ::.ixth. Bant• took the loss for EMCC. ECCC had seven hits with \\ ashington getting two. 'llmmes had three RBis. llw Lions l1<1d eight hils with Freeman getting two. tlosley had four RHJs.
l11e l.• 10n pla)ed flavo)c ....., in the field m Game 2 after tallying even ~rrors in the opener. "I don't know what happened in the fir:-t gamt-, but that just wasn't u .... playinf!... :\1c(;ill fhe I ions got their first run in the top of the fourth as AJ. Freeman ll'd oft with ~ double and scored on a sacn– fice t1y by Cameron Jourdan. E:\tCC made il2-0 in the fifth as Ben Fleming hit a one-out double in tht• right field corner and scon·d 011 a single to right by Brot·k Mo~Jey. The Lions had s<.·ven hits with Mosley getting three and Fll'ming two. Brian Jones and Chad Gosselin bot!' had two sin· gles for the Warriors. 'We ju~t didn't hit," said ECCC assistant coat·h l\lichal'l Avalon. "(Love) pitched well. He competed. Wl' knf!W that they were a dil· fercnl team with him on the mound. They beat us with him on the mound." Gn·gory Stovall (1<1) wa the hard-luck loser: ln the opener. the \\ arrior" took advantag1 of EMCC's defcn'e to core thr e unearned run in the first inning. jacob Cao:ey led off with a .;ingle and ~ored all tilt' "' ay from fir-,1 when Lion pitcher Cam Bane fielded a hunt bv Tt rrcll He,ndrix and fir d 11 w<'ll over the first baseman. Hendrix wound up at third and scored on an error bv Love on a grounder b:y jo~es. George \\'ash· ington singled and cor~d the first ofhj, four run' on a sac· rificc fly b} Gos...,eJin. El\ICC clos d to \\ithin '1 1 in thl top of the third a.;; Wame Presle} led off with a double and came home on a single b) jo...h Rone. Tlw "arrior~ answer< d with four run<: on mo hit in said.
Lions split twinbill with East Central Warriors
He's our ace." ..,aid EMCC assistant coach Kenny McGill, who :-"·as filling in for Lions' head coach 1ony Montgomery, who . . suffered an injury to h1s left knt·e 10 Monday's praclice and was unable to attend the games. . "We're just real proud of the way he throws. He pitches hard. "We want to dedicate this wi1~ to coach Montgomery for bt'mg injured and out today." Love (5!1) was so dominant that ECCC got only three runner~ past first base. It wa:s Love·~ sixth complete game this spring. For the year, he's allowed only two canwd • uns. See Lions Page 64
By Marty Stamper special to The Star
DECATUR- Alter losing 10-~ ~ the first game of tlwir. Cen_tral DJVt· .:;ion doubleheader w1th East Cen· tral Community College. T~es_da~ afternoon, the East _M1sstss•pp1 Communil~ ColleJ.re I.1ons n~eded something good to happen m the nightcap. . That something good came, 111 the form of sophomore pitcher\\ alt Love, who tossed a six-hit _shutout as the Lions came away w1th a 2-0 win. East Mississippi's record went to 16-10 overall and 11 in division play. East Central's went to 12-H and 1-1. . h "Walt Love is our No. I pJtl: er.
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