\'- "' Holliman... Continued from B3... to a talented freshman class - should prov1de a team fans will enjoy watching in 2007. "We will compete from beginning to end and play with a lot of enthusiasm and togetherness," Holliman commented. "Our guys have gelled well together and look to be a true team that is concerned with one thing - winning!" In addition to the positive response from his players, Holliman said he is also appreciative of the support received from the community. "The community support has been above and beyond what we imagined. It really means a lot to our coaches and players that the community is supporting our efforts to build a successful baseball program." Holliman stated. ln addition to "rebuilding" the Warrior baseball program, Holliman and his staff have made vanous improvements to Jamie Clark Memorial Stadium. "We've added concrete and rocks underneath the stands, designed a 'halo' amund home plate, installed a new warning track, refurbished and painted the outfield fence. added new sideline fencing and foul poles, and painted the bleachers and batting cages," Holliman said. .- With an improved team and facilities, Holliman said he hopes fans will share his excitement about the much anticipated 2007 season, which gets under way February 5 at Alabama Southern in Monroeville, Ala. The first home game doubleheader is sched– uled February 13 against Jones County Junior College, begin– ning at I p.m. "We anticipate a packed stadium for our home opener against Jones and for every home game as well. Fan support is v1tal to the success of any athletic program and we know our fans "ill tum out to watch the Diamond Warriors in 2007," Holliman said. Serving as Holliman's assistants arc fom1er UWA assistant Michael Avalon, who serves as pitchmg coach and recruiting coordinator; former UWA player Roberto Martmez, whose dut1cs mcludc wnrkmg wllh catchers, assisting with hitters, and servmg as first base coach and ass1stant rccruitmg coordinator; and student assl'>tant Dan1cl Russell, who will also a-.sist w1th hitters and outlil'ldcrs.

ECCC Diamond Warriors Ready to begin the 2007 season are the above member~ of the East Central Community CoUcge baseball squ Team members include (first rows from left) manager Justin Joynea·, outfielder Luke Baugh, right-handed pitcher/infielder Brian Jones, catcher/third baseman/outfielder Lee Blackburn, outfielder/right-handed pitd George Washington, right-handed pitcher/utilit) player 1 errell Hendrix, middle infielder Colby Ha\\thorne. catcher/infielder Jacob Thames, outfielder John Harris, right-handed pitcher Josh Denson, and manager Be McCurdy, (second row) Michael Avalon, assistant coach ; student assistant Daniel Russell, middle inlielder Jacob Casey, third baseman/ first baseman Adam G a·iffin, outfielder Katlan French, infielder Jordan Robins left-handed pitcher Gregory Stovall, catcher/third baseman/second baseman Chad Gosselin, outfielder/infiel Josh Lafferty, Robert Martinez, assistant coach; and !'leal Holliman, head coach; and (third row) right-han• pitcher/utility player Rober t Westbrook, right-handed pitcher Joe Patterson, right-handed J)itcher Josh Sheehan, catcher Chris Parkman, right-handed pitcher Oaven Willis, right-handed pitcher Jesus Aleman, right-handed pitcher Carey Miller, right-handed pitcher/first baseman Kiel Higginbotham, lirst baseman J , Hamilton, catcher/infielder/outfielder Warren Bowling, and right-handed pitcher Daniel Carela. Not shown right-handed pitcher Earnesto Green. (EC photo)

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