The Union Appeal • Union, Miss1ss1ppi • Wednesday, March 7, 2007 . 5.+8 Warriors split with ltawamba, Oklahoma teams


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East Central Community College's baseball team earned split dcctstons with Oklahoma squads in compctitton held Sunday in Shreveport La and spltt a doublchcadcr with fi·om ltawamba Community school lollegc Saturday on the repor~ Decatur campus. The Diamond Warrior-;. whose rccord -.land~ at 8-R under first-year head coach N~.:al l lolliman following the \\Cekcnd "~.:ncs. fell 2-0 tn till lirst contest to I'astern Oklahoma State Coller.c dc.,ptte a standout perform– ance by southpaw klahotna A&M College 111 thc tllghtcap. EC abo out-hit Eastcm Oklahoma by a 5-2 margin, with Adam Grillin h:admv the olli.:nsivc attack with tvu Slll~·lcs .lal"oh CaSl')' or Union and Jacoh I hun ; hoth had single~.

The 12-5 Mountaineers of Eastern Oklahoma scored their two runs in the second innuw. Stovall ( 1-2 ). who pttched six tnnings pnor to being relievcd by Jordan Robinson of Un ion, fanncd four hatters and walked three. Against the 7-6 Golden Norscmen ofNl 0 , FC hats came ahvc for etght l]tts ~tth Ueorgc Washington or Demopolis Ala., leading the offense. Washington. a trano;ler from ( 'cnt.ral Alabama Communi ty College, had three smglcs and two RAis. Griffin doubled, and Casey. Brim1 Junes, Colby Ha\\ thonw. John llarris. and Tt:rrdl Hcmlrt'\ each smgled Jones also collcctcd two RBls, and Casey md IIams J..nocJ..cd 111 a run aptccc. Jlll' Patll.:rson ur Monon was the winning pth..hcr, 11111HO\ IIW, his record to ' I Palll"IS(lll ,, sopiHnnon .. npht h

batters and walked two. l tawamba

walked one Jones. · pitched the linal four toni ngs, allu\\ tng t\\ll runs 1111 one ht!. He <;truck out two bat ter.; and walked onc In the sl:cond contest, the D1.tmond Warriors used a ~tx-run llnh mning In , cmsc a 7 I deticll and cla11n th, victon Casey ll'd thc EC offense with a double, !>Ingle. at ,d an RBI. R JhinSilll also doubled, and singlq-; Wl:le record– ed hy Gnllin, ll a\Hhnrnc and .lone~ in the come-from-h.:htnd wm. On the mound for l:(· wcrl' Jesus \Ieman. \\ ho allowt:d five nms llll tiHI.!c hits through four inning~ nl wnrk: Dnntcl Carcla pit1.hed one-third ul ntllo.; md two hits 111 I ., l innings: and Washington, who gm c up nu tun:-. 111 I •• lllh.: llllltllg. EC hosts Gulf' Coast on Saturday at I p.m. 111 a doublcl.1cadct lln thi: I >..:r.:1tur campu L uJ 0 '-J 0 z :::> 0... u ~ w (.!) 0 0... z lL oc:: <( u <( 0 0 <( :r: !- z ..... 1- w ..... ..... 0 (/) ~ [\.. ~ 0 z Q. ~ u =~ 5: n. rtf. 0 m :::J w


E<-~ 6-8 In Saturday''> matchups with ltawamba, EC rallied for an 8-7 decision in the second contest to gain a split. Washington and Chad Gosselin led the Diamond Warrior ollense in the first game. Washington had two -.inglcs and an RBI, and Gosselin doubled and singlcd. Hawthorne also doubled and Casey singled. Gosselin and Hawthom nlso scored two runs each and Casey tallie

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