ECCC l1olds pinning ceremony recog11izing 45 ADN graduates


Fony-fhe ne\\ nurse~ \\Ill 'oon enter lhe healthcare field folio" ing the annual A,.,ociate Degree ~ursing Pmnmg Ceremon) held recent!) at East Central Communi[) College in Decatur. ECCC PrNdent Dr. Phil A. Sutphin congratulated the graduates during his remarks and pro' 1ded encouragement a.-. the} prepare for the state board examination. Dr. La"inia Sparkman. \ICe presi– dent for in..,trucuon. also pra1,ed the graduate~ and recogmzed members of the AD;-.; faculty "ho include: Nan Anderson. Teresa Boykin. Sherri Cantey. Lisa Gorgas. Brenda Kirby. Linda Kirkman. Betsy Mann. Wendy \-1oore. Cynthia Odom and Chmty Savell. Dr. Melanie Gilmore is also a member of the fac– ulty and serves as dean of healthcare education. Several students participated in the ~o.pecial program. including Shannon Da\is of Monon . who addressed the graduates: Donnie Massey of Philadelphia, invocation; and Zoie Hardy of Lawrence, closing prayer. Davis was also recogmzed as ADN Student of the Year. Odom pinned the 45 graduates in the Cla~~ of 2007 who include by Engle. Jr. ru J Sam Stiles. all of Forest: Shannon Dav1s, Amanda Mtles and Sedonia Smith, all of Morton; and M1chelte Gray. Lake; Smith County: Cynthia lvy. Ralei!!h: and Winston County: Lesley W. Carr. Chnsty Dempsey, Casey Hill and Joni Mitchell, all of Louisville; and




Bohannon, Collinsville; Lauderdale County: Melanie Jones, Anita Palmer and Dina Smith, all of Meridian; Leake County: Mandy Comans, Robin Gates, Janet Kelly and Shirley Whne. all of Carthage: Stewart W. Hoy. Edinburg; and Ashley Windham. Sebastopol; Neshoba County; Kristin Taylor Clark. Mary Kristen Clark, Brandi Durant. David Freyery, Jo Anne Jonc'>, Donnie Massey and Meredith Perry, all of Philadel phia: Newton County; Lindsey Alexander. Little Rock; Bruce Thra!.h, Leigh Ann Thrash and Knstan Valentine, all of Conehana: Jennifer Davis and Ryan McMillan, both of Hickory; Tony Gannon , Newton: Josh Graham, Ryan Loper and Je s McDaniel, all of Decatur; Zo1e Hardy, Lawrence: Kelly Skinner. Union; and Lorie A. Sullivan, Lake. Rankin County: Sarah Martin , Brandon; Scott County: Eileen Adcox, LaShondra Bradford, Bobby L. See ADN, page 12A

Twane~ha McDonald, Pre~ton.

For more information regarding the College's Associate Degree Nursing Program, contact Dr Melanic Gilmore. Phone 601-635 2111 or call toll free . 1-877-462- 3222, ext. 294. The email address is mgilmore@eccc .edu.



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