ECCC award winners
Recipients of East Central Community College tennis team awards for the 2007 season include (from left) Maggie McDill, women's sc~olar athlete, and Dru Anderson, women's most valuable pjayer, ooth of Decatur and Newton County High School products; Neshoba Central graduate Briana Stinson of Philadelphia, women's most improved; and Josh Moore of Newton. men's most mproved 1'- ot D c– tured are Warriors James Harris of Morton and Wade Brown of Forest, who rece1ved most va uab ~ player and scholar athlete award, respectively. The Lady Warriors finished tied for third in the state tournament and the men placed sixth in state competition The comb1ned season record for bo teams was 7-5.
Colby Am1s (left) of Decatur and Alex Deason of Philadel– phia rece1ved golf team honors at the annual East Central Community College Spring Sports Banquet held on theDe– catur campus. Amis received the academic award and Dea– son, a graduate of Philadelphia High School, was recognized as having the lowest scoring average. Deason also made the All -Tournament Team,
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