V-icEK 0 F ,_.....!..J~j~) .I:.....J/c..L/_ ,-_J -'J ..; ~~--=-----' __ -ECCC contest winners------------__,

These East Central Community College students won various honors at the 2007 State Leadership and Skills Conference for SkillsUSA held April11·12 at Hinds Community College. The ECCC group came away with eight first-place awards, 13 seconcf.place awards and five third-place honors. The first place winners will represent the College at the National Leadership and Skills Conference sched– uled June 23-29 In Kansas City, Missouri. Award winners include (first row, from left) Dedra Hobbs of Laurel, second place, Chapter Business Procedures; LaTrycia Brown of Meridian, second, Opening and Closing Procedures; Jessica Griffin of Philadelphia, second, Chapter Business Procedures; and Shekeisha Coleman of Louisville, second, Chapter Business Procedures; (second row, from left) Josh Warren of Meridian, third, Related Technical Math; Charles Hayes of Forest, third, Industrial Motor Controls; Trey Whitehead of Meridian, third, Heating and Air Conditioning; LUI{e Howell, first, Collision Repair, and Mitchell Roberts, first, Major Appliance Repair, both of Union; (third row, from left) Niki Torrence of Morton; Job Skills Demonstration B; Reshelle Williams of Lake, first, Occupa~ tional Health and Safety; Brooke Savell of Philadelphia, first, Occupational Health and Safety; James Wall of Newton, third, CNC Milling; Kerri Withers of Union, second, Chapter Business Procedures; and James Hattaway of Decatur, second, Opening and Closing Ceremonies; (fourth row, from left) Sharon Griffin of Philadelphia, second, Opening and Closing Ceremonies; Kendrah Bradford of For~ est, second, Chapter Business Procedures; Jessica Yarbrough of Decatur, first, Occupational Health and Safety; Nathan Sharpe of Forest, third, Job Skills Demonstration B; Latasha Hall of Decatur, sec– ond, Chapter Business Procedures; Arthur Breakfield of Philadelphia, third, Carpent1y; and Sha Park– er of Little Rocl<, first, Promotional Bulletin Board; and (fifth row, from left) April Boyd of Natchez, Jen– nifer Smith of Hickory, Brooke Harrell of Morton and Aimee Baugh of Kosciusko, who placed second in Opening and Closing Ceremonies.




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