

DISCUSS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AT ECCC Representatives of area buslne18811 and Industries were recent special guests on the East Central Community College campus In Decatur to partldpate In the annual '1!1dustry In the Classroom" event Sponsored bytheCollege's career-technical division, the acttv– lty II held In ~ltlon of Career-Technical Education Month. Career opportunities and other matters related to employment were arnorc Items presented to ECCC's career and technical students. Participants and the programs they addressed included (first row, from left) DwiCht Vowell of UnlpresSoutheast InForest, business technology; JaniceJacobs, surgical technology, TanlshaWelch, elec> tronlc technolocr, and Durwin Lewis, automotfve mechanics; (sec:ond row, from left) BradleyHeard,collision repairtechnology; Bruce Weaon, elec:tronlc technology, Willie Macon, chlldcare technology; Glenn Harrison of Maxim Manufacturing In Sebastopol, drafting and dellgn technology, and John Lambeth, electronic technoJogy; and (back row, from left) cttartes Longmire of Raytheon Systems, Inc. In Forest, electronic technology, and ECCC officialsWayne Eason and Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, president



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