WEEK OF vipri/ q /o 1

_IB ___ w __ ~-~----~-A-~ __ 111 __ ,_2_00_ 7 _____________________ _r()UJ Sophomore Cheerleaders recognized ___,.-_____,..----:-.,.--,-----__.,.~

(EC PHoTo) Sophomore cheerleaders for East Central Community College basketball squads were honored during a ceremony held at tht final home games for 2006-07 on February 19. From left are Loren Kennedy, Union; Kyle Jones, Nanlh Walya; Susanna Pace, Nashoba Central; Neal Hall, Neshoba Central; Kristina Moore, EnttrpriM; Grant McDaniel, Neshoba Central; and Brittany Barfield, Carthage, who were Jolntd by family members for the special occasion. Huellen Nutt Is com– pleting her first year u sponeor.


CARTHAGINIAN ------- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ______ UNION APPEAL--- ----– WINSTON COUNTf JOURNAL __,_ ____ SPIRIT OF MORTON --- ------- OTHER ___________________

NESHOBA DEMOCRAT - ---- NE~ONRECORD ___ _____ MERIDIAN STAR _ _ _ ___ CLARION-LEDGER ------- IMPACT _________________

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