EC students named to All-Academic teams He is the recipient of Community College sopho- the Citizens Bank of mores Joshua B. Skiimer of Philadephia Scholarship, the Union and Charles r-:-rr--:I""'!':I"'"'':!:::DI Frank Edwin and "Drew" Leach of Nena Holt Conehatta have Lea the r w o o d been named to the Award for 2007 All- Biological Science, M i s s i s s i p p i an ACT Academic Team, Scholarship and a which recognizes P r e s i d e n t i a 1 scholarly achieve- Scholarship. ments and leader- Skinner is ship accomplish- active in the col- ments of students lege's Environ- enrolled in the Skinner mental Club and state's two-year col- participated in an leges. Invasive Species Skinner is among 15 Cleanup project at students statewide named to Strawberry Plains nature pre– the First Team and will serve in HoUy Springs in receive a $1,000 scholarship November 2006. to cdntinue his educa tion. Leach is a veterinary Leach was chosen for the All- medicine major ,..,ho com– Academic Second ........ r-----..--.,.,...., pleted his studies at Team, along with 39 East Central other community C o m m u n i t y college students. College in S k i n n e r , December 2006 whose major is pre- with a 4.0 grade medicine, has a 4.0 point average grade point average before transferring and plans to become to Mississippi State a forensic scientist. University. He pre- He serves as public viously served as relations officer for pubic relations Phi Theta Kappa, coordinator for Phi the international Leach Theta Kappa and honor society of the was a member of the two-year college marching and con- and co-sponsor of the All- cert bands. Mississippi Academic Team He was awarded a Star program, and is a staff pho- Student scholarship, band tographer for the Wo-He-Lo scholarship, mathematics college yearbook and The contest scholarship, ACT Tom Tom student newspa- scholarship and Presidential per. scholar hip. East Central
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