Hollingsworth and Rebecca Myers all of Forest; Andrea Duboseand Roxanne Wllson, both of Hickory; Lee Dool~· Lauryn Laird and Elizabeth Jackson, all of Lake; Zoie Hardy and Lee Blackburn, both of Lawrence; Krista Chaney and Br ittany Alexander, both of Little Rock; Joni Mitchell, Casey Hill, Paul McMillin and Gaylee Sullivan, all of Louisville; Shelee' Hurtt and Brittney Harper, both of Meridian; Victor Warnsl~ Tavarius Walker and A.Jnan. da Miles, allof Morton;Tyler Walker of Nanih Waiya, Clanton Blaylock, Caleb Page and Tony Gannon, aD, of Newton; Hannah Luke rK Preston, Chasidy Smith cl Noxapater, Chelsea Brown, of Perkinston, Delynn Agee, Donny Massey, Angela Boat· ner, Celeste Burt, Cassidy Byars, Andy Johnson, La~ ren Thrash, Briana Stinson and Frank Dixon, all of Philadelphia; Kim Cleve– land, Lor en Kennedy, Joe Buntyn, Jordan Robinson, JoshuaSkinner andMorgan Milling, all of Union; Divid Harmond of Wiggins, Carol Creel of Trussville, Alabama; and Michael Presendieu of Ki.ssimee, Florida. For more information , contact East Central Com– munity College the college "With You in Mind! ' Phone 601·635-2111 or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222. The College website is www.eccc.edu.
East Central's ABE/GED Kosciusko. Chauncey Hud– Program was recognized for son of Noxapater: and Blake excellenceatthe~Region- Hedrick of Ne\\ton. al Conference of the 1\lissis- East Central's surgical sippi Association of Adult technology program and Continuing Education received national recogni– (MAACE) held in Natchez. tion for its students· success Gene Davis. who serves as in taking the Program the College's dean of adult Assessment Exam (PAE), and continuing educ,atipl) 4 which is admin.istered to stu– Was11L'1lliN.I. Diredor o lli~e...-..~a~e'='ntSr.: the fmal week of Year: Honors\\ere also pre- school prior to graduation.A sented to ABE GED instruc- certificate designating the tor ,Jean Landers of health-related program as a Louisville, who was named member Instructor of the Year: and of the ··pAE Elite Twenty" the Neshoba COtmty Litera- was presented to instructors cy Cotmcil received the Kri.stie Pilgrim and LeAnn Friend of Education Award. Shirley from the Accredita· Several members of the tion Revie\\ Committee on College ·s Board of Trustees Education in Sw·gical Tech– \\ere honored for service at noloiD: The ECCC program the annual state trustees· was rated 14th in the nation conference. Edsel Cliburn of on the exam, higher than any Union was recognized for 15 surgical technology pro– years of service, and Delan~ gram in Mississippi. Hudson of Louisville. Bill Numerous members of Thames of Newton. V. C. the \Varrior football and soc– Manning of Philadelphia cer team received post sea– and \\'illiam Kitchings of son honors followingthe2006 Quthage \\ffi honored for campaign. 10 years service. Those receiving football The annual Bell South awards include Kerry Hud– Scholarship Appredatipn son of Philadelphia, frrst Luncheon held in June '-"as team All-State and MACJC ,\ell attended approxi- All-Star; Allen Stewart of matel) 80 donors joined Holt HS in Tuscaloosa, sec– scholarship recipients fo · a ond t am All-State; Keith ltmcheon program in the Spann of Clinton and College cafeteria. .Another AndrewHarrington of Kem– :mccessful Warrior Golf per Cc :nt). :\lACJC All.Star Classic was held last sum- and honorable mention All– mel; as $6,700 \vas raised to State; and honorable men– ftmd scholarships for stu- tion All-State selections dents residing in the Col- Colby Amis of Newton lege's five-county disn·ict. County High School, Ivan 'fhe one.ctay event i spon- Hickmon of Lake, sored by the ECCC Alwnni Johnathan Pickens of
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