petition. Award winners included Blakeny Brown, a graduatt· ' tf East Central High School and Marie Adams of Edinburg, who placed S@COilG and third,· ~ :spectivel}: in the two– dunensional design catego– ry; Jam~ Files of Noxapater, honorable mention, two– dimensional design; and Omar Ducksworth of Bay Springs, honm-able mention, printing. In athletics, the Lady War– rior soccer team rt>ceived a national honor following its first year of competition by beingnamed the sport's 2005- 06 NJCAA Academic Team of the Year for achievinga 3.5 grade point average. Team members and their respective high schools included Chelsea Brown. Stone: Cele:."ie Burt Saman· tha Giambrone. Angela Fer– guson and Jerrica Willian1son. all of Neshoba Central: Joy Cavenaugh. Amanda Eaves and Maggie McDill, all of Ne\\ton Coun– ty; Lacey Green. Carthage: Brittany ~arper, Southeast Lauderdale: Jaimee Jones. NanihWaiya: Heather Le\\is and Danyell Taylor. both of East Centl-al HS; Alisha Pern: 1\Iorton: and Megan Rosar: Camp Shelb~ Youth Challenge. Kenneth Thomp– son serves as head coach. The Lady Warrior and
Cavenaugh, Lindsey Smith. Corley and Loren Kennedy of Union were second team All-Division. .· Several baseball players "81so- received honors-follow– ing the 2006 season. includ· ingTaylor Petty of Neshoba Central. flrst team All-State, and Luke Baugh of Mmton, second teamAll-State. NumerousCollege person– nel were honored during the ~ College term. includ· ing ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, who \vas appointed as a lVIACJC rep– resentative to theMississippi Higher Education Assis· tance Corporation and ·was elected Vice President of tile Board of the Directors for the East Cenh-al Mississippi Health Networl<. Inc.: Dr. LaviniaSparkman. servedas vice president and presideN– elect of the Chief Academic Officers/Deans Association of 1\Iississippi; Ronald B. Westbrook, selected Small Business Center Director State Star for ;\liss.issippi: Lucille Wood. named a statewide honoree in the Love of Learning category for theBlueCross-BlueShield of Mississippi Ageless Heroes program and was recognized as the lange t tenured faculty member serving in the state's com· munity and junior college systemwith52 years of ser\'-
Students who received honors in state competition included 1\Iichael PetteY of Philadelphia. flrst place. Almual Business Report; Rebecc<1 Roge~f :tlllflky, frrst m Partnership with Business and Financial Cat– egories; Jamaica Hernandez of Chaeta\\~ flrst. Alnerican l!.'nterprise and Who's Who in Phi Beta Lambda; Ken Webster of Philadelphia, first. Hmnan Resource 1\Ian– agement: And~ Johnson of Philadelphia. second, Statis– tical Analysis; Delynn Agee of Philadelphia, second, Hospitality Management; DeLesa Nowell of Philadel– phia, second. Community Service; Nicole Pittman of Newton, second. JAVA Pro– gramming; and JefferyDavis of Louisville. \\'ho's Whp in Phi Beta Lambda. · Also receiving national recognition were cosmetol– ogy students Amanda Leach of Hickory and Megan Miller of Louisville, who placed si.\.1h in the Promo– tional Bulletin Board compe– tition, and surgical technolo– gy studentMelodyMcNall of Meridian, who placed third in the Job Skills Demonsn-a– tion B contest. at the annual SkillsUSA Championship in Kansas Ci~. 1\lissowi. The three students advanced to the national con· test by winning first-place
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