Heather Steele (basket– ball). all of Louisville, and students chosen Academ– ic All-Americans (3.6 GPA or above) - Emily Massey (basketball) of Forest. Caleb Shepard (tennis) of Car thage and Micah Lanier (soccer) of Little Rock. Six students were select– ed to the 2005·06 Hall of Fame. the highest honor presented at the College. Honorees included Joy Cavenaugh of Chunky, Kevin · Gregory and Jaimee ·Jones. both of Louisville; Lori McMullan of Decatm~ Kurt Nelson of Hickory and Casey Shack– elford of Union. In the annual Who's Who elections, Zack Kil– patrick of Philadelphia and Clancy Cleveland of Union were selected Mr. and l\liss East Central Community College. Class

and career courses during the spring and fall semes– ters. The College also served approximately 12,000 students who took advantage of non-credit courses such as ABE/GED classes, and industrial training classes provided throughout the district by the ECCC Workforce Development Center. As is the case each yeat~ numerous students were recipients of various hon– ors in the academic and athletic areas. Those selected as NJCAA Academic All– Americans for 2006 include students on the Distinguished tist (3.8 GPA or aboYe) - Lindsey Walker (softball) of Little Rock, Clancy Cleveland (tennis) of Union and Tony Stanford (football). Jaimee Jones (soccer) and

favorites included Kim Cleveland of Union, Joy Cavenaugh of Chunky, Lee Blackburn of Lawrence, Megan Thomas of Forest, Amanda Dowell of Carthage, Kevin Gregory of Louisville, Vickie Smith of Collinsville. Jason Long of Carthage. Sherrell Brown of Forest, Jaimee Jones of Louisville, Christopher Boose of Hickory and Megan Jones of Rose HilL ECCC's Theta Xi Chap– ter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year col– leges, received honors on the international and region levels of competi– tion. At the international convention in Seattle, Washington, Theta Xi was presented an award for its "Raising the Coast" proj– ect in recognition of ECCC students' service to

Hurricane Katrina vic– tims on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Jaimee Jones of Louisville was also hon– ored and received a Distin– guished Chapter President Award for her service to the honor society. Honors the chapter received at the Mississippi/Louisiana Regional Convention included the Platinum Pinnacle Scholarship Award, which is presented to chapters whose mem– bership increased by 20 percent from the previous semester. The award included a $250 gift certifi– cate to help pay expenses at the international con– vention. Jones also received a Distinguished Chapter President Award and was inducted into the prestigious Order of the Golden Key. Sec ECCC. Page 3D

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