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Paoe 20 e Campus improvements Special to The Record the stands. installation of Completion of Phase II new fencing and warning of the Eddie M. Smith Stu- track. a refurbishing and · dent Union and other painting of the outfield .campus improvements fence. which now also were among highlights of includes sponsorship 2006 at East Central Com- signs; and the addition of munity College in a Wru;rior "halo·· design at Decatur. home plate. The 20,750 square-foot Renovations made at facility. which opened Warrior Stadium (now prior to the fall 2006 term. known as the Louise and houses a new book store, Bill Bailey Stadium fo1· fitness center, grill, game lowing the Decatur cou– room, conference room, ple's recent $100,000 con– computer center and the tribution), just in time for Office of Admissions. the 2006 football season Records and Research. It's included the installation part of the main stTuc- of new bleachers and fenc– ture. which was complet- ing on the visitors' side. ed in 2000 and includes Repairs were also made to offices for Student Servic· the press box, a section of es personnel. financial ·which was destroyed by aid. distance learning and the hurricane. the College nurse. Lighting at both facili- ECCC President Dr. Phil ties had to be repaired or A. Sutphin said the cam- replaced due to the high pus addition further ill. us- winds. .trates the College's ongo- Additional areas of the ing commitment to serve campus affected by Katri· students. na and where repairs "It is one of our main were completed by the end goals to provide the very of 2005 or early 2006 best facilities for our stu- included Ethridge Hall. dents and staff, and we which houses the eel the tudem Union ABE GED lab and several helps accomplish that classrooms on South Cam– goal. Everyone seems to pus; the Vincent Adminis· enjoy the new facility - tration Building; Brack· especially the student een-Wood Physical Educa– grill. which has become a tion Building: and Huff popul~r spot for om·.stu-
Auditorium. Minor ro?f ESHOBA DEMOCQfiT
dents. said Dt: Sutphin.
damage occurred at six
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campus houses.
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CLARION-LEDGER_________ IMPACT _______ _ ___ __
SPtRIT OF MORTON __________ _ _
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