WEEK OF ~--------

Black History Month Program Planned February 23 at ECCC

Elder James A. Young of Philadelphia will serve a~ keynote speaker for the annual Black HistOI) Month program scheduled at 7 p.m. Wednesday, February 23 at East Central Community College in Decatur. The ECCC Gospe Choir will provide special music for the event, which wi ll be held in the Vickers Fine Arts Center. Brenda K. Johnson serves as choir sponsor. Young is pastor of Calvary Apostolic Church in Louisville. He also serves as District Ftve Supervisor in Neshoba County In addition, he is a member ofthe Board of D irectors fo r the East Central Plann ing and Development Dtstrict. He is an active member of the NAACP and Community in Action, which promotes community involvement. Under his leadcr~hip. his church has spon ored and built two rural health clinics m DeKalb

and Louisville.

He is a 1973 graduate of eshoba Central High School. He also attended Meridian Community College, where he received certification in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. He later attended University Medical Center in Jackson and received certification in Emergency Medicine/EMT Paramedic. He served as director of the Neshoba General Hospital EMS Departmen t for 16 years and is a former instructor of EMT Basics at East Central Community College. Young and his wife Sheryl have a daughter, Shanda Young, a graduat e of Mississippi State Untversity. For more information regarding the Black History Program, contact Brenda K. Johnson at ECCC, Phone 635-2111 or call toll free, l- 877-.t62-3222. ext. 255.

APPEARED lN: v LAKE MESSENGER ------~- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES _ .....!\_ _ ___ UNION APPEAL - - ---- - - – WlNSTON COUNTY JOURNAL-- - - SPIRIT OF MORTON_:..__ _____ iMPACT _ ____ _ _ _ ___


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