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ECCC Workforce Development Center Staff Above arc members of the East Central Commurut) College':. Workforce Development Staff whose rnisston is "to support businesses. industries and communities \\lth asses ment. training,job placement. consultatton and educational services designed to improve the econom) O) enhancmg the capabilitic~ of citizens in the ECCC district." Front row, from lett, are Roger Whitlock, Center Dtrector; Blake Warren, Productivity Enhancement Lab Trainer; Kay McLeod, Dislocated Worker Program Coordinator; and Tina Harris, Basic Sktlls Specialist. Back row, from left, are Joe Renaud, Personal Development Specialist: Chris Clark, Workforce Development Coordinator: Chris Harris, Work-Based l cammg Coordinator: and Ronald B \\e tbrook, Director. ~mall Business Development Center. For t more infom1ation contact the ECCC \\orkforce De-.elopmcnt Center, De n. MS 39327, Phone 635-2111 or call toll free, 1-877-462-3222. e". 299. (EC Photo) LAKE MESSENGER - ---- - --:-- SCOTT COUNTY T~MES - ----¥:...____ _ _ _
UNION APPEAL - ---- - --- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON __:__ ___ _ _ _ IMPACT ______________________
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