WEEK OF _ _:,._ ____ _

Harc6 · selected ECCC biolog · instructor A ;;ociauon. She al-.o received the 1992 Sctence and ~tathematics Ktm \\ illi' Hardy of

Teacher AY>ard the l\1j,..,j,,tppt State Cm\ersity Chapter of Stgma XI Sctentific Re-.earch Sociel) -\ g· .:,'uate ')f ~e,hoba Central H1.;h s .. ' .ol. Hard) re.;ei\'ed bach– elnr and master's degrees in biolo– g) from 'v1issi-.~ippi State Univer~1ty. She also has an assOCI– ate·., degree in dental hygiene from Meridtan Community College. She is married to Bobb) Hardy, owner of Hardy Tire in Philadelphia. They have three daughters, Carman Hardy. Leigh Willi~ Payne and Deanna Hardy. They also have one grandson, Mason Payne. from

Phtladt:lphia w~ recemly '>elected full-time biolo~ io,tructor at East Central Communi ~) College in Decatur. announce-. Dr Phil A. Sutphin. ECCC pre.,ident. Hard~ ,ened the College as intenm in•.tructor during 2004-05 and ha_, been a member of the ECCC Adjunct Faculty -.ince 2000. Sh..: 1s a former biology and human anatom) in'>tructor at Philadelphia High School and pre– viou'l) tau\!ht general science at Ko~ciusko M1ddle School. ln adcttion. ,he I' a former science methods tnstructor and creanve wnting m,tructor at Mississippi State Universil). Hard) has received numerou<;

Kim Willis Hardy

awards for teachtng excellence. She was the 1993 recipient of the Herbert \1 Handle) Outstanding Teacher A¥~ard pre-.entcd by the :\li" i sippi S~;l 11-.:e Teachers


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