
slttclents receiz,e ff'ho :~ TT11ohonor Seventy-sc-.en Ea~t Central Community College students have been named to Who'~ Who Among Student-. in American Junior Colleges for the 2005-06 "chool year. Students are cho-.en fur the presti– glOU'> honor based on their academic achievement. involvement in extracunicular activitie~ and nomina– tions from faculty and stafl: Honorees include the following: Leake County: Shannon Brock. Edinburg: Kathryn E. Barney. Anthony Engram and Keely ~1organ. all of Walnut Gro\C' \manda Dowell, Jason B. Long, Shirley White and Tiffany Willts, .all of Carthage; and Misty Pigg. Lena. Neshoba County: Jamaica Hemandel- Chocta\\; A l.ma Davis. Richard Goldman. Dann) John...on. Lee Wa~ne Johnson. t\hmha Lillis. Shonda Nance and Ashle} Tolbert, all of Philadelphia, and Bcrh Ann Richardson of Preston. Newton County: Lauren Beckham, Melva Clemons. Clancy Cleveland, Rebekah Cren-.ha\\, Beth Crotwell, Jennifer Key. Sandy Guess. Allison McDaniel. Tracy McMahan. Casey Shackelford. Lauren White and BrooklynWinstead. all of Union; Bell} Belvin. Kristin Bufkin. Lori McMullan. T.-~ I r ~ichok Sonia R uez and Kri'>ten Th \1

- -- - -- ar.ih F\.'\knLk. D t':tL'e Moore and - -=-- - · Ku11 :o.;elson, all of llickury: Chris Cooley. Marlo Hollingswot1h Misty Mayes and Darren Reed, all of

CARTHAGINIAN --------- . ESYOBA DEMOCRAT - - - --- ?.·.-o RECORD ------- ,=~::>AN STAR ---------- :_~ :;r 0 ' -LEDGER -------

e\\ ton; and Leigh Ann Thrash. --–

- Conehatta.

Scott County: Sherrell Brown. --– Megan Harrell, Jason Lope7, Pharen • Nelson, Elizabeth Puckett, Megan --– Slay and Kristie u~ry. all of Forest; Molly Cieglo and E\en Snell both of --– Lake; Jennifer Elliott Harrison. Pulac;J.;i; Chri~tophcr Shuler. --- - Harperville: and Albha Perry. ___ Ludlow. Winston County: Deidrc

Coleman. Shamra White Collier. Jertcrv Davis. Kevin Gregorv ;\.I J~hael Gre!!OI\, Am' Hathorn. Jaimcc Jones: I ic.tther •\t<.'elc and Fr.m

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