- ~'Ul Agee of A: le} Brooks of Sherrell Brown, • Cooper and J ami Maner, F :-e~; Al:y Bunon. Haley Harris, -ticker and Amber Tyson, of Decatur; Elyse Clay of Lena. AJnanda Dowell of Edinburg. Kim Faucette of Carthage; Elizabeth Jackson of Lake, Megan Jones of Rose Hill, Mi~ty ~layes of Newton; Reagan Melton of Philadelphia, Bethany Sharp of Sebastopol and Christina Thomas of Conehatta. Beaus who were recently elected by the Student Body Aso::ociation include Colby Am.is of Decatur. Christopher Boose of Hickory, Jordan Gibbs of ~lorton. Marcus Viverette of Stratton and Hastings Westbrook of Little Rock.

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