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ctor of the Year''
Year, Who's Who in Ameri· can Music, Who'sWho in Entertainment and Who's Who in America. In 2004 he was selected to repre– sent East Central as·a Lamplighter, which recog– nizes outstanding conunu– nity /junior college instruc– tors inMississippL In addition, he served this past year as Dean of the Jackson Chapter of the American Guild of Organ– ists. He is a member of Ph1 Mu Alpha Sinfonia Music Fraternity. Bobo is a graduate of Hinds Junior College; Mis– sissippi College, where he recei\'00 a bachelorof music degree, and the C versny of TermesSE£ Knon
!IliiUStet: Jl:-"o'"'.......,.c: ed composer, recently presented a ~- .......... of his original com– pJSffiaruc: in the Vickers Fi Arts Center at East Certral. In Juh~ 2005, his organ romposition ~chian Prelude·· WclS premiered by Dr. Joby Bell of Appalachian State University at the Washing· ton National Cathedral. This past Easter. one of his anthems was perlormed at First Presbyterian Church of Houston, Texas, and his arrangement of "The Infant King" will be per· formed by the Houston Baptist University Concert Choir in December. Among honors Bobo has received are 19'TDiStln guished Alumnus Award the Depa.""tme!l
;-ears e.'\"J)en· educanon. ln addi· cllin2 Bobo has
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