0 UN ITY COll EGE ech Instructor of the Year

per:,0nal basis. I am thankful for the

coursework towards a Master's Degree. She has been an advisor for Health Occupation Students of America and SkillsUSA. In addition, she was named to Who's Who AmongAmerican Teachers. Luke is a member of the Association for Rural Health and the Interna– tional As~ociation for Human Caring and has worked with the Diabetes Foundation of Mississip– pi. She is a member of First Baptist Church Newton. Sh~ is marrt9.i. Luke. 5Th

family I community envi– ronment that abounds at the community college 1evel. Plus. being a gradu– ate of East Central mrsell, I have a special fondness and great memo– ries of ECCC." Asked how she reaches her students, Luke said ·'respect. I have respect for them and I expect r~pect in return,·· Luke said. ·~ open-door policy encourages student par– ticipation and good com– municative dialogue... Luke received her Asso– ciate's Degree from East Central Communit} Col– lege and a Bachel r· Degreo: m nurs - the {;nin:=roc:otlrc .......,.-1....

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