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• C: m.-r.uru~ Bank. s- Tommy Snuth, Ste\-e G1bson. Randy Dilley, Randy Gibson. Also won the Corporate Sponsor award. ~ Valley, 59: Patrick Brown, Brent Gregory, Billy Smith, JoedyHurst. ~ Citizens Bank, 62: Ken Jones, Bobby Espy, Rusty Barnett, Randy McElhenney. ~ Killens Chevrolet, 63: Mark Killens, Joe Killens, Kyle Killens, Jess Dilley. Second Flight ~ Georgia Pacific, 63: Jerry Rogers, Mack Hollingsworth, Ben Kitchings, Randy McDill. ~ Bancorp South, 63: Shawn Sparks, Jerry Cook, Chad Tadlock, Vance Cox. ~ ECCC Coaches, 64: Terry Underwood, Jake Yarborough, Brad Hodge, Scott Hill. • Tyson, 65: Dewane Weems, Stan Varner, LandonVarner, DanielRice. • SIVAD, 66: Scott Cox, Chris Murphy, Chris Clark, Cole Harris. Third Flight • Molpus Timberlands, 66: Mike Cooper, Terrell W1nstead, Charlie Manogue, Benny Petty. ~ Bill Freeman Team, 66: Bill Freeman, Matt Alford, David Freeman, Lynn Torrance. ~ Don Triplett Team, 68: Don Triplett, Jimmy Wright. • ESCO, 68: Andy Rowzee, Ray Williams, Dan Gorgas, Percy Pearson. • Raytheon, 72: John Reiss, Ricky Harvey, Jim Shearer, David Mcintyre. ECCC officials said in previous reports that a record $8,700 was raised in the 2004 event, with $2,800 provided for scholarships. The remaining $5,900 went into the endowment fund, which now totals approximately $8,500. Leading into the weekend, three students will see the benefits that the tournament fund-raiser pro– vides. One of those students, Daniel Russum, a Scott County native, was among the three receiving a schol-

TOURNEY From Page 14A

the Dancing Rabbit Golf Club on the Pearl River Resort in Choctaw, so other golf courses in the five-county district could have an opportunity to host the fundraising event. "The Dancing Rabbit courses

are among the best in the country, but we thought it was time to start having the tournament at other area courses so more peo– ple will have an opportunity to participate. Dr. Phil Sutphin, president of East Central Community College, said at the tournament he was not sure where the tournament will be held next year.

~~P award on Thursday, Lovett ~THAG!NfAN -------- Lovett said organizing committee "HOBA DEM - members decided to move the tour- , · 1 0 CRAT ------


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nament from its previous location,

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Please see TOURNEY, 10A

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